The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

L' THE DAILY FROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 27, 1953 4 PAGE THREE f. Navy Classroom Program Viewed By Officers f. Navy AT A CLASS SESSION at last vision 5-2, at the Marine Armory of the Fishersville training center; SN, a member of the unit; Cdr. Cdr.

J. H. Michael Jr. commanding spection. Naval Reserve Unit Here Is Inspected The local U.S.

Naval Reserve unit, NR. had Electronics its annual Division 6-2, competitive last night district inspection at its meeting let the Marine Eleventh Street, SW. Commander G. W. Bartlett, USNR, was the inspecting officer.

Commander Bartlett is assistant district reserve electronics program officer In the Fifth Naval District command, Norfolk, He conducted the Inspection as representative of the office of the director of training for the Fifth Naval District. The unit hrre is one of four electronics units in the Fifth Naval District, which Includes Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky and Maryland. As such, It will compete with. the others, In Rarkersburg, Danville, and Washington, N.C., for top honors in the district. The winning unit will be presented a plaque after all four units have been inspected.

LCDR. J. Harry Michael Jr. USNR, is commanding officer of the local division, which meets each Tuesday night at the armory. Charges Brought Following Accident "An Air Force private was charg.

ed with reckless driving following collision between his car and highway department tractor terday afternoon mile north of the city on Route 29. He la Lester Hunter, 23, of Greenville, 8.C., who was enroute to Luke Field, Arizona. Nelther Hunter nor Jesse C. Powell, 53, of Earlyrville, operator of the tractor, was infured, although the large left rear wheel of the tractor was ripped off and the tractor wait down five-foot bankment. State Trooper N.

E. Whitt said both vehicles were going south. Hunter told the officer he was following trailer truck and started to pass it when the truck pulled out and passed the tractor, which Hunter hadn't seen before. He said he didn't have time to avoid hitting the tractor. Hunter's car struck the left, rear of the tractor, ripping the wheel off and pushing the tractor over The driving charge is to be heard in Trial Justice.

Court Wed- Toth, Kinder (Continued, From Page One) to premeditated murder In shooting of Kil commit, Soon at an Allied Air Force depot near Pusan Sept: 27, 1 Air Force defense attorneys were present at each view st the Fifth Air Force Conrection Center here, where the men are being held. Earlier this week, Col. Jerome L. Lowenberg, Fifth Air. Force judge advocate, said Kinder probably would be tried first expected the prosecution to be ready to go to trial in June.

'Toth Is the first civilian to be returned to military custody for trial under the new uniform code of military justice. Under-Age Smoking Believe Fire Cause A little under-age smoking is belleved by firemen to have been the cause of fire which damaged an unoccupied brick house Alderman Road, near Route 250, yesterday. The flames, discovered by some boys playing in a nearby field, burned through part of the floor. HINT TO MOTORISTS It is good plan occasionally to remove. spark plugs from 20 engine Inspect them carefully for cracked porcelain or other defacta, :4 Bass Season To Open On Monday Creel Limit Pidced At Eight Each Day The 1908 season on large and small mouth, spotted and rock bass opens Monday east of the Blue Ridge.

The season west of the mountains opens June 30 and runs to ber 31. The season east of. the Blue Ridge tuna to March 15. The creel limit on large and small mouth black bass and apotted bass eight a day, 150 a season, with a size limit of ten inches. The limit on rock bass (rodeye) la 15 day, 150 season, and on white base, 25 a day.

Bass Nahing la prohibited In the Shenandoah National Park, while state laws governing season and creel limit apply in the Big Levels Area, national forests, Sherando Lake, Blue Ridge Parkway (except are sunrise to sunset), and state park and forest lakes. Waters Blocked Among the waters stocked with bass in the State Commission on Game and Inland Fisheries program this year are Albemarie Lake, with large mouth bass; Moorman's River, with amall mouth baas; the Cowpasture and Jackson rivers Alleghany with small mouth bass; Lake with: large mouth bass; Holiday Lake and Phpebe Pond In Appomattox with large mouth base; Also, Sherando Lake with large mouth bass; Big Back Creek above the gorge in Bath County with small mouth base; Horsepen Lake In Buckingham with large mouth bass: Hazel River in Culpeper County with amall mouth bass; Rapidan River In Greene County with small mouth bass; Little River, North Anna and South Anna rivers in Loulas County with 1 large mouth base; Madison Power Dam with large mouth bass; Rapidan River la Orange County with small mouth bass; Buffalo. River, North River' and South River In Rockbridge County with small mouth bass, and the south fork of Shenandosh River In Rockingham County, with small mouth bass. Liquor 'Customer' Turns Out To Be ABC When Philip Matthew Clark and Jack Anderson Hicks sold bottles of whiskey to a man late last night, the transactions turned out to be very The "customer" ABC agent from Richmond who charged both with Illegally reselling ABC whiskey. The men, both Negroes, were fined and seat to fall this morning in Police Court, It was the second time fo ten Clark had: sold pint of whiskey to the agent and he was charged with two offense A hotel bellhop, be was fined $50 and given 90-day jail sentences on both charges.

Sixty days of the first sentence. was suspended, as was the entire sentence. on the second charge condition he go out of business when he gets out of Substitute Civil and Police Justice G. Stuart Hamm was a bit stiffor with Hicks, who was convicted of the same offense In 1948. Hicks was fined $100 and given 90-day sentence, 30 days of which was suspended.

He was also order: ed to post a $250 non- -violation and was Interdicted for 12 montha. This means he will not be allowed to purchase ABC whiskey for one year. Clark, 38, lives on Sixth Street, SE, and Hicka, laborer, lives the 300 block Ten and Hall Street; NW, where be sold the liquor. Mrs. Lawmaker Knows What It Is To Earn A Living WASHINGTON, What la Lawmaker like? Miss Bertha Adkins, assistant the Republican National toe chairman, said today the avers woman legialator in 63 years of age, has at.

least a high school education and what 16. to earn her living. Miss Adkins prepared for a publlo affairs luncheon at the annual convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, some findInge on the backgrounds of. 12 women In Congress and 286 in state legialatures. All the women are high school graduates but only 44 per cent hold degrees from colleges or untversities, she said.

Seventy seven per. cent have worked or are in business or profeasion. Of this number 40 per cent have been teachers but only 4 per cent lawyers, Most of the women lawmakers gave. their ages. Mias Lera Rowlette, the only woman in the Arkansas Legislature, at 23 is the youngest.

oldest Mrs. Blanche Utiey of Vermont, 78. Miss Adkins singled: out for special recognition Mrs. Sara Otis of New Hampshire, who, at 77, has completed four terms In the House, one in the Senate, and is now back in the House. Miss Adkins said public service apparently doesn't.

interfere with family life, for 87 per cent of the women legislators are married and have on the average two children. 4 PRAYER SERVICE The Rev. L. McKinney will conduct prayer services at 8 P.M. tonight at the Cutler Memorial Christian Church, Park Lane and Road.

Briefs FAIR, 000L wilt be fair and cooler tonight, and sunny and cool On Thursday, according to the weather forecast. Low temperatures tonight will be from 48 to 56 degrees. The temperature here at today was 66 degrees. No rain Yell yesterday. The maximum temperature was 90 and the minimum 31.

HOSPITAL PATIENT T. C. Graves, of Stanarde ville, is patient at the Univeralty of Virginia Hospital. HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs. Gordon B.

Sims, of ardsville, is a patient at the Ualversity of Virginia Hospital WOOLEN MILLS CHAPEL Mrs. Thomas H. Daniel will conduct services at the Woolen Mills Chapel tomorrow. P.M. JOY CLASS The JOY Class of the First Christian Church will meet Thurs-: day at P.M.

at the home of Mrs. G. Leake, 1130 East High Street. DEATH OF WIFE Herbert Putnam, of Port ington, LI, N.Y, who was ing Mr. and Mrs.

V. McCauley at Croset, has been called home by the death of his. wife, Ruth Tate Putnam, who was a daughter of the late. Alonza Tate, of Charlottesville. Mrs.

McCauley accompanied Mr. Putnam to New York for the funeral. J. MID- WEEK SERVICE The Christian Endeavor will conduct the prayer services at First Christian Church tonight at 7:45 o'clock. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST Miss Frances Hudgins, ery to Thailand, will speak at the mid-week services at 7:30 P.M.

today at University Baptist Church. A deacon's meeting is scheduled for 8:30 P.M. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES The Charlottesville Presbyterian Church will have mid-week services lat 8 P.M. today at the church; M. B.

C. Young Men's Business Club will meet at 6 P.M. tomorrow in the club room at Monticello Hotel. BELMONT PRAYER SERVICE The Belmont Baptist prayer serv Ice tonight at 8 o'clock will he led by the Rev. W. the absence of the pastor, the Rev. C. Paschall, who la preaching in Nelson County. CONVALESCING AT HOME J. Mullman, of "Somerset Farm," la convalescing at home after being released from the University Hospital where he was treated for a recent Illness.

CHURCH NIGHT will be served at 6:15 P.M.. today at the First Baptist Church. The Sunday School Workers' Coun cil will have Its May meeting at P.M. At services starting at 7:45 P.M., Dr. J.

P. Allen, pastor, the book will continue his studies in of John Obituaries THOMAS J. WRIGHT. BUCKINGHAM -Thomas Jackson Wright, 74, a farmer, died Tuesday at his. home near Antioch Church.

He was a native of Buckingham County, son of the late Thomas J. and Betty Miller Wright. Funeral services be held the Thursday at 2 F- P.M. from Antioch Baptist Church, of which he was a member, with burial in the family cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mra.

Georgia Anna Wright; two sons, Lewis and Berry Wright, both of six daughters, Mrs. Emory Miles, Mrs. Henry C. Harvey, and Silas Grace Wright, of Lynchburg, Sirs. Russell Stirsette and Miss Lucille Wright, of Buckingham, and Miss Shirley Wright, of Farmville, and 16 grandchildren.


W. Rhodes, widow of the late J. W. Rhodes, died early this morning at her home in Roanoke. She leaves a son, J.

W. Rhodes, of Roanoke, and four daughters, Mrs. A. A. Spencer, of Tampa, Mrs.

F. A. Johnson, and Mrs. I. E.

Cald well, of Newcastle, and Mrs. Ethel Rhodes Coffey, of Charlottesville, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. FROZEN FOODS There are more than 400 ditferent frozen foods on the market, including 'such Items Chinese CEs roll, borsch, shark's liver, tortillas and whale meat. Planning Group Winds Up Meet Winning The Public's Support Is Topic The Virginia Citisens Planning Association wound up its two day annual meeting here yesterday with discussions on how to get planning and soning la' communities that do not have them, Mra.

Harold Stone, of Arlington, emphasized the Importance of cittzen participation la bow citizen committee prepared the alx-year planning program which her county is now operating. Meade Palmer, chairman of the Fauquier County Planning Commission, took the view that the jority of citizens are not too terested la the of auch things as soning ordinances. Palmer told how rural county got. its subdivision ordinance and Bernard Spigle, member of the Princess Anne County Planning Commission, told how his heavily 1 populated county got its subdivision ordinance. William B.

Speck, field secretary of the League of Virginia Counties and a forme. member of the Augusta County Board of explained how Augusta county with large rural and large urban -found it necessary to adopt soning ordinance. He sald that he feels the county made a mistake in not continuing Its Planning Commission after this project was accomplished. David Goodman, vice president of the VCPA, summed up meeting in yesterday afternoon's final sion. Man Sentenced To 60 Days Here On Petty Larceny Count A Newport News man.

was sentenced to 00 days in jail In Trial Justice 'Court 'this morning on conviction petty larceny, Blake Marsden, who sald he was a newspaper reporter, was charged with stealing about $12 from a purse owned by Miss Nancy Spicer at the admitting office of the University Hospital. University Police, Chief R. G. Houchens said Maraden told him he took the money to buy whiskey--that he bad been on bender for seven months. Other cases in heavy docket: Dennis Hale Goodman, Silver Spring, convicted' of driving while intoxicated, sentence of $100 fine, suspended, s0-day suspended term, 12-month revocation: arrested 00 Route 29 north by State Trooper D.

D. Hudson. Gayle D. Powell, Montrose Avenue, $25 One and six-month revocation for reckless driving: booked Deputy Sherif E. H.

Davis after car left, Route 250 West on curve. Richard Ross Estes, Stony Point, $15 One and. 20-day permit revocation for reckless driving: booked by Trooper Hudson following wreck on Route 29 south. Virgil Pugh, Afton, $10 One and 20-day permit suspension, charged after three-car wreck near Greenwood; same charge against Harry. N.

Thompson, Route 2, Involved in the wreck, was dismissed. Emmett Hite, of North Garden, $15 fine and ten -day permit revoca. tion for reckless driving: arrested by Deputy Sheriff T. M. Whitten after wreck on Route 29 south.

Lewis McCauley, Charlottesville, fined $10 for reckless driving; booked by Deputy Sherif. F. Frazier after wreck near Merlwether Lewis School; same charge against second driver Involved; Ralph E. Via, of Free Union, dismissed. Stockwell Wins Phi Beta Kappa Award The University of Virginia of Phi Beta Kappa has nounced that Its 1953 prize competition in humanities, social sciences and law has been won by Robert P.

Stockwell for his doctor's dissertation, "Chaucerlan Graphemics and The $100 cash prize will be awarded tomorrow night at the annual Phi Bets Kappa banquet. Stockwell received his MA. gree here In :1949 and his Ph.D. in 1952.: He currently living -in Washington, D. C.

and is connected with the State Department. Under the rules of the society, the judges for the contest may not be members of the University of Virginia. This year's work lected by a committee appointed by sister chapter a of Pal Bets Kappa at Emory University. The prize is awarded "for the best work of scholarship produced in the Untversity of Virginia, representative of the fields of the humanities, the social sciences, and the law," and is open to any member of the Unlversity, whether student or faculty. This prize has been awarded only five times: in 1947 to Edwin M.

Betts for his work in editing terson's "Garden In 1948 to David McCord Wright for his "Democracy and in 1950 to Fredson Bowers for his "Principles of Bibliographical Description," and in 1951 to Will- a H. Gaines Jr. for his unpublished biography of ThomMann Randolph. The 1953 prize was awarded to A. G.

A. Balz for his "Descartes and the Modern The Phi Beta Kappa banquet will be beid la Alumni Hall Musician Is Dead ALBERT SPALDING. Assistant Nursing Professor At UVa Elected To Office ROANOKE, Three groups of Virginia nurses concluded their annual conventions here today with election of offrera. Mrs. Margaret M.

Moaby, ant of nursing the University of Virginia School of Nursing, wan named president of the Virginia League Nursing. Mias Jeanette Semonca of noke Memorial and Crippled Children's Hospital was elected presto dent of the Student Nurses cation. Miss Marie W. Schmidt, dent of the main body--the Graduate Nurses Association of Virher second year as president. Other Virginia League for Nur-1 sing officers: Miss Margaret Carey of McGuire Veterans Hospital, Richmond, president-lect; Miss Harriette Patterson of Grace Richmond, Wallenborn vice of president: mortal and Crippled Children's Hospital, Roanoke, secretary; Miss 1 Dorsye E.

Russell of King's Daughter's Hospital, Staunton, treasurer. Other student nurse Becky Evans, University of 'Virrinia Hospital, first vice-president; Carol Smith, King's Daughter's Hospital, Portsmouth, second vice president; Doris Boone, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, retary; Burlette Cook, St. Phillipa Hospital, Richmond, treasurer. Mrs. Mosby succeeded Miss By bil McLean as preaident of the Virginia League for Nursing.

Battle Supports Korea Relief Drive RICHMOND, UP Virginians have been urged by Governor Battle to dire "their wholehearted support" to a drive to raise funds for the reliet of the South Korean civilian population, Richard 8. of Richmond has been named by the American Korean Foundation to serve as Virginia chairman of to raise five million dollars. the effort througbout the United States week of June 7-14, Pointing out the money win to "alleviate suffering and distress among the ten million South Koreana," Governor Battle declared yesterday: success of this effort will prove not only to the, South roans, but' to nations throughout the world that our Interest la that of aiding our leas fortunate fellow men and restoring to them the opportunity of enjoying normal life In a climate of peace and mutual understanding." Sidman Poole Named To Unitarian Board BOSTON, Frederick May Eliot, president of the American Unitarian Association, says, all free institutions and "even our own movement" are being threatened by "extremists of both right. and left." He spoke. to the association's 128th annual meeting last night.

Persons named to the board of die rectors included P. Poole of Charlottesville, Univeralty of Virginia Professor, Albert Spalding, Violinist, Dies Famed Musician Had Retired From Stage NEW YORK, UP--Albert SpaldIns, one of the nation's leading vioand noted composer and author, died auddenly last night of cerebral hemorrhage. He was Spalding, a member of the ous Chicago sporting goods family, collapaed at bla New York apartment as he was dressing to go out, The famed violinist retired from the concert stage in 1950, telling crowd. of 11,000 at his farewell pros cram In New York's Lewbohn Stadium that he wanted to, devote his full time to teaching writing and composing. Authored Novel At the time of his retirement, he already had written some 60 works for violin, 25 for piano, 30 for voice and four each for chamber musle: and full He also had authored 4 novel, "A Fiddle, a Sword and a Lady." Spalding, who won graduating' diploma from the conservatory at Bologna, Italy, at 15, was the stitution'a youngest graduate since Mosart 133 years before, Debut la Paris He made his debut in Parta In 1900, when he was 17.

Three yeare later he made his American debut at Carnegie Hall. Spading was active during both world wars. lle was a lieutenant In the U.S. Army Air Service la Italy and France in the Arst conflict and was with the Itallaa underground in the second conflict. He is survived by his widow, the former Mary Vanderbof Pyle, and a brother, H.

Boardman Spaiding. night's Inspection of the local naval reserve unit, NR Electronics are (standing, left to right): La. Cdr. La Finkle, commanding officer K. T.

Shelley, ETi stationkeeper of the unit here; Fred R. Baco*ck, G. W. Bartlett, of the Fifth Naval District command, Norfolk; and officer of the local unit Commander Bartlett conducted the Dally Progress Staff Photo Athlete's Foot, Sunburn Cures Claimed For Bean-Sprout Oil IT MADE medicine man of former By Deoglas Larsen NEA Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (NEA) -Nine years ago boiling. vat of "green slop" blew up in a chop suey face.

tory near Chicago, erupting over 11 workers and seriously burning them. Today, as one of numerous factors of that scalding blast, former Vico President Alben Barkley has liquid which, it is claimed, cured him of athlete's foot. Sense tors Wayne Morse and Robert Hendrickson and. other Congressmen, it is reported, po longer tear burn. The wife of Earl Godwin, dean I of Washington radio commentstore, was saved from and bisters when can of food ploded alt over her.

And Rep. Victor. Wickersham, of Oklahoma has Indicated in the Congressional Record that he hopes the whole thing adds up to a boom in his state's mung bean business. "Bill's Bug Juice" Is what Veep Barkley calls. the stuff.

It's labeled "Mystery Medicine off Capital HIll" in the Congressional Record. It hasn't legal name lan't on the market because the first name it had sounded too much like that of a patented muscle medicine already on the market. The 1 makers sued and "Bill's Bug Juice" la now in the "process of getting new name cleared through the Pure Food and Drug Administration, William Vaughan, Barkley's former aide, 1a the in the "Bug Juice" title. "The last thing in the world thought fd ever get myself volved in is the medicine business." hie says, "but this stuff is really He says he has already given away about $700 worth of the balm' to friends all over town who keep asking for more. This 'la the his- v.

tory of bla. "bug told by BID: The chop suey. canners were trying to find a by-product of their waste in the form of canned hor slop" it la called in Kentucky. When the test batch blew up, burning 11 employees, someone started smearing them with a bean -sprout concoction on hand for the' regular chop sucy. It was the only first ald avallable before the ambulances arrived.

The doctor who then treated the burned workers surprised at how much rood the mixture had done for the workers and recommended that the chop firm partners look Into the matter. They did' and came up with the specifio extract of the mung bean which was rood for burns, athlete's foot and other assorted Vaughan met one of the chop suey, turned medicine maker partners in Chicago while there with the Veep during a convention, Later the man tried to talk -Bill Into helping well the product but Bill said no. Nevertheless he took home few samples. One day, long after he had forgotten the proposition, member of Bill's family was badly burned by an exploding coffee pot. Bill rushed to the medicine chest and the only thing he saw there which might help was the samples from Chicago, He promptly doused the relative's burns with the bean juice.

The pain subsided in few moments, and the burns eventually healed with no scars and no blistern. Bill wrote to Chicago asking for more of the bean extract began telling his. many friends on Capital Hill -about his experience. That's how the whole thing got started. Meantime, Bill la waiting for the Food and Administration wheels to turn so he can get into real business.

He's coming little weary of giving the mung bean- -sprout olf away. Federal Workers Come Under New Security Program Today WASHINGTON, UP- The new Eisenhower security program for federal employment took effect tor day for some million. workers in the executive branch of the gov. ernment. The new screening system for those who want! to work for the federal government rrplaces the old loyalty program of the Truman Administration established in 1947 with primary, emphasis upon loy.

alty, The new test. Incorporates loyalty and in addition "reliability, trust- worthiness, good conduct and character." These qualities have been summed by President Eisenhower as "fitness for the It is designed to. weed off the payroll all undesirables, Including drunks, "blabbermouths," hom*osexuals, and others with question Eleven Girl Scouts Advance At Court 3 Barkley aide able habits. Indications are that considerable turnover in personnel is already in progress. As an.

example, Atty. Gen. Brownell recently estimated he may effect a 40 per cent over in the Justice Department's 30,000 employees by. next year. With inauguration of the new program, the old Truman departmental loyalty boards which check.

ed on workers' records are abolished immediately. The Loyalty Review Board, a sort of supreme court of Anal review composed of 25 citisens, is given 120 days in which to complete the 'processing of cases now on appeal before it, The new program makes the head of each department and agency the final arbiter in all cases lavolving question of biring or Aring, without further appeal Eight girls received first rank in a court of awards held by Girl Scout Troop 20 last 'night at Univeralty Baptist Church. They were: Barbara Yocom, Nancy Rush, Julle Meredith, Shirley Lots, Anne Leavell, Janet Harrison, Ormonde Dean, and Paula Clarke, In order to attain first class rank, a Scout. must have earned 15 merit The girls received their sank in signia from their lathers. Three were advanced to second class rank.

They were Mary Willamson, Agnes Perkins, and Amelia Edmundson. The troop's total membership 25 girls, In the court of awarda, the girls received a total of .100 merit badges. Mri. William Rennolds, pew troop leader, was introduced by Mrs. Walter E.

Lots Jr. present troop leader. Mrs. Lots, with her husband, will move from Chare lottesville next month. The was assistant leader of Troop during Its 'first year's existence, and had been leader for the last year, She was presented a farewell gift the Scouts.

Three playlets were presented by the girls. The first, "American Girl Scouts Visit India," featured living statute of Mahatma Gandhi and background of the Taf Mai hai. Lucille Wood protrayed Joan of Aro in the second, and the Scouts sang a song in sad Moari In the third, 5. Employee's Legs Fractured In Accident WARMINSTER-A 1 Richmond employee of the Chesspeake and Ohio Railroad suffered: two broken legs during cement loading operation here yesterday. Walter Roberts was taken to the Medical College of Virginia Hose pital in Richmond after being las Jured when the floor of the storage depot caved sin under him.

Roberta was member of railroad bridge force which was helpIng unload about. 600 bags ot cement into the C. and On storage depot. The floor of the one-story structure save away under the weight of. the load and Roberta was buried up to his bips in bags of cement.

The floor fell about tour feet. p. And don't forget 3 we rent Floor Waxers Floor Sanders 4. And by the day! 1 CHARLOTTESVILLE LUMBER COMPANY 310 AVON STREET: 1 f..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.