Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (2024)

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Helping Teens and Adults Gain the Tools for a Healthy and Meaningful Life

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (1)

Michelle Amerman

Founder and CEO
Michelle Amerman brings an extensive background of developing and implementing programs to bolster outcomes for long-term change in alignment with evidence-based outcomes and research.
With a Bachelor’s in Psychology, Michelle specialized as a gender-specific trainer for the state of Utah’s Juvenile Justice Department, leading to keynote speeches across the country focusing her work on female offenders.
After 27 years of experience in the mental health industry and 5 years of extensive research, Michelle developed Pathways Real Life Recovery’s mission, vision, and research-based treatment systems.Michelle oversees training and certification of the Pathways’ clinical team and recovery specialists to implement evidence-based treatment modalities. She laid a foundation for a customized, full family-integrated program that assists clients in healing the root cause while supporting them to live up to their full potential.
Michelle is passionate about changing the way addiction recovery and mental health services are provided to every one of the Pathways Real Life Recovery clients.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (2)

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (3)

Dr. Terrell L. Sellers, MD

Medical Director

Dr. Terry Sellers is a medical doctor with over 30 years’ experience. He started as an obstetrician who has delivered over 6,000 babies. After recovering from his own struggles with opiates used to treat his migraine headaches, he is now a board-certified addiction medicine physician with over a decade of sobriety. He specializes in helping those with mental health issues such as depression, substance abuse, alcoholism, trauma, and anxiety disorders.
Dr. Sellers helps to create customized treatment plans, provides medical detox, and sober living. He is passionate about caring for those with addictions and helping them to lead whole lives full of meaning.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (4)

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (5)

Jaryd Neiman

Recovery Specialist

Jaryd Neiman is a recovery specialist with Pathways, where he specializes in helping clients establish positive belief systems by incorporating consistent success principles not just in recovery but in their lives as well.

Jaryd draws on his 4 years of experience in recovery himself as well as his 10 years in business management. Prior to starting at Pathways in October of 2016, he managed both small and large businesses where he was responsible for leading teams of people, increasing profitability, maintaining and growing customer bases and client relationships, and managing day to day logistics and functionality of each facility.

When he came to Pathways, Jaryd’s training in our program and principles came in the form of going through individual exercises and groups as if he were himself a client. Jaryd is very passionate about being able to relate experiences with his clients and prides himself in never asking a client to do something he hasn’t already done and/or continues to do himself. His main goal with each client is to help them establish a vision for what they’d like their life to look like, as well as identify where they feel Pathways can help them reach that goal.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (6)

We Love Our Clients

6 Months ago I found myself in a pretty dark place. I'm so glad I found Pathways. Tina, Josh, Chelsea, Jaryd, And everyone at Pathways. I'm back on track and have the best tools and skills to get through tough challenges and daily life. I'm excited for school and what the future holds. Thank you all so very very much! Matt J

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (7)

Siknez 23

13:48 07 May 24

Hi, I am a client here at pathways. This therapy program has honestly changed my life. I could never have imagined the progress I am making on myself. I used to have severe anxiety to where I couldn’t even leave the house or get up to my desk to work from home. I was just rotting away in my bed and getting high all the time and throwing up from my anxiety. I now have been sober for 5 months and I haven’t thrown up in 5 months either. They have helped me take back control of my emotions and my life and I feel like it can only keep getting better if I listen to everything that pathways offers/ teaches me. My eyes have been opened to how bad I have treated myself and all the shame and guilt I was feeling but could never fully point out because I just always felt numb and never wanted to feel my feelings. I now know what I need to work on and I truly feel that I am making progress that will not just only help me now but for the rest of my life. This is the best decision that I’ve ever made for myself. The therapist that they have are all great. My main therapist is Tina and she has been so kind, genuine, supportive every meeting that I’ve had with her. Also the other therapist has been so helpful when they are teaching groups. I love that it’s different people leading groups because it’s always a new perspective on things. Even the clients in group therapy make it such an inviting environment where you can feel free to be exactly who you are. I have shared more with the staff and clients than I ever have with anyone in my life. The clients I’ve meet have become some of the best friends I’ve ever made. Pathways is such a great place that I can’t even really say how grateful I am for it. Pathways will forever be a part of me and I would recommend anyone who needs help with mental health issues or addiction issues to go there. It truly saved my life and I can see a bright future for me

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (8)

Wyatt Nielsen

20:15 28 Mar 24

Okay! So, a fabulous place to get treatment. They treat you well here, and it is a comfortable environment to share your problems and get the help you need. I want to write that I've never seen a clinic highlight so much that I mattered as a person, and this was crucial for my recovery and giving me the optimism I needed to continue my life. I saw people get help for addiction, anxiety, and trauma, and no matter their experiences, they were always reminded that they mattered. This coupled with their methods of treatment are what helped me get better.For highlights: I enrolled in their IOP program, meaning I went to their clinic in Sandy 3 times a week, for 2 hours those days in the evenings for group therapy. I was impressed with their treatment process. Monday evenings, you learn and engage in a therapy process called Mind-Body Bridging (MBB), Tuesdays is a check in with learning about breathing/meditation, and Thursdays is meditation/yoga. All of these, while they may seem kind of trivial, actually help if you take them seriously and apply them outside of the clinic.They also had me meet with a doctor, an individual therapist, and a "recovery specialist" who helped me delve even deeper into the roots of my problems (essentially, another therapist). All of these aspects played a huge role in my treatment process. The doctor prescribed me meds for my specific problem that my normal healthcare provider would have never thought of to prescribe, and it was a gamechanger. Next, my individual therapist, handpicked by the director of the clinic who she thought I would click with best, ended up being one of the best therapists I've ever had--Shawn was very understanding and crucial in my recovery. Finally, the recovery specialist was a unique aspect to an IOP program, and he played a role in which I was able to reflect on my life and figure out the "roots" of my challenges--this included figuring out my values, journaling, and most importantly, asking myself "why" things were important to me. Trust me when I say that taking this seriously will help you figure out where you've been, where you are now, and where you can go, hopefully in a different direction if you've been through hard experiences.Places to improve:--Punctuality. Often in the evenings, the facilitator would wait up to 20 minutes to start because we were waiting for others to trickle in. I get that we want to look out for everyone--I also think that if people care about their own treatment, they'll make an effort to show up on time like I did. I paid a lot for this program--I wanted every moment to count. That being said, I did enjoy the chill conversations I had with other clients and the facilitator while we waited--and punctuality could still improve.--Staying on task. Some evenings, we would get off track because we were having so much fun with conversation. Or, we would get off track because one client or another would unintentionally share so much that a good chunk of the night was more about them than the group. I think it could definitely help if the facilitators put more effort into keeping the group on task. It happened enough to be noticeable, though not enough to knock a star off this review.--Clear road to graduation. This program did not make it clear what they expected for me to graduate. For this program, partway through I had to ask, "hey, what do I have to do to graduate, I'm feeling like I've made a lot of progress." What followed was actually fairly complex. I had to meet with a separate counselor and complete 4 different long assignments (which I didn't know there were 4 parts to until I completed part 2, which I thought was the end) then get approval from him and my counselor. There was probably more looked at, but in general, I had to ask and it was not made known to me otherwise.--Enrolling and questions. Questions about enrolling and finances took some time to get answers to, because the woman in charge was always in meetings. Having an assistant could help.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (9)

Jacob C.

17:36 10 Nov 23

Pathways is a place of miracles. I and so many others have come to pathways feeling unheard, misdiagnosed, hopeless, like no matter what you do you’re not good enough, and given up on by other outpatient or inpatient treatment. Pathways is a treatment center, but more than anything, it becomes your family. The friends I have made in my peers are lifelong, and I feel safe knowing that I can come anytime and my friends in the staff are lifelong too. I came to pathways with an undiagnosed eating disorder, zero will to live and the belief that my trauma wasn’t trauma, and everyday I leave group, I leave with compassion, affirmations I can believe in, and hope for my future ❤️ Recovery is not easy, but this place will support you through all the hard things. The trauma track is life altering (thanks Josh), the therapists are all so so kind and amazing at their jobs, the front desk staff and recovery specialists are my best pals, there’s this amazing yoga and meditation teacher and we all get so pumped to see her, the doctor is super cool and always wears cool outfits and is really diligent about finding the right meds, and Tchelsey, Chrissy, and Amy have been the only reasons some days that I continue to choose recovery from my eating disorder. If you’re at all on the fence about getting help, just go to the free consultation and meet with them and get a snack and you will be comforted and loved just as you are.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (10)

Savana Marshall

23:50 26 Sep 23

Pathways completely changed my life. They saved my life and taught me how to continuously improve on it. Pathways was my sixth hospitalization and it is hands down the best treatment I have ever received. I will always be grateful for pathways.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (11)

Ashton F

01:07 24 Jul 23

Love Pathways . Some amazing healing happens here .

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (12)

Crissy Williams

17:35 09 Jun 23

Pathways Real Life Recovery equipped me with the invaluable tools and therapy I needed to overcome my addiction issues. I couldn’t speak more highly of their CBT approach, excellent staff and flexibility while in their care. This was the best investment I’ve ever made.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (13)

Ryan Connelly

19:12 19 May 23

To say this program has changed my life would be an understatement. I am still undergoing treatment, but would not be able to push through without the support and skills these amazing people work so hard to provide. I am so impressed with the staff which have grown to feel more like family. The world needs more people like what you will find here at pathways!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (14)

Ally Kanooth

07:20 05 May 23

3 YEAR REVIEWThree years ago, I walked through the front doors suffering from alcoholism, addiction, and PTSDThis program begins healing at the root cause of addiction and mental health issues. The staff and therapists worked by my side in a safe environment while challenging me to understand and address the causes of my addiction.This program gave me a chance to, not only, get and stay sober, but also to live at my full potential and love the man I see in the mirror.Pathways break the confining mold of traditional one-size-fits-all recovery. It is not just a Band-Aid for the problems, it is a way of life in mind, body, and spirit.In the last three years, I have worked in and with several treatment centers throughout the US. There is nothing that compares to this program and the power it will have to forever improve your life.I love this program and the people behind it.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (15)

Braden Blood

12:06 25 Apr 23

This place has changed my life. Never before would I have believed that I could be this happy! I spent most my life on drugs. I come from a life that gave me no chance. And now I'm clean, happy, and pursuing my dreams. I'm even going to college! Anyone can get sober. If you want to truly heal and be happy, go to Pathways. Go to a consultation, take that first step. I promise you won't regret it. If they would push school back a couple years and teach this to our children, the world would be a better place. Thank you to Pathways for helping me to change life!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (16)

tyler williams

07:33 21 Feb 23

We found Pathways 2 years ago when one of my daughters hit rock bottom in her mental health journey. After her first visit with Michelle, she immediately felt heard and understood. Her time at Pathways literally saved her life. Her experience gave her sibling, who has been battling severe depression for 7 years and was not able to hold a job, or function on most levels, the inspiration they needed to enter the Pathways Inpatient program at Glenwood. It was life changing and life saving. After completing the inpatient program and the out patient program, they are now thriving, working full-time, and living a completely different life.Both continue to use the tools they have learned from Pathways in their real life experiences.Finding Pathways is one of the best things that has happened for our family. We will be forever grateful.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (17)

Brenda Labit

19:34 06 Feb 23

We are truly grateful for the kindness and creativity shown by Tchelsey, in her efforts to help my family with a plan, to pay for my son's recorvery costs. Tchelsey, Kim and Michelle are selfless and are determined to find means to support their patients and the families. Their commitment is a testament to their character. The methods they implemented, with the financial burdens, have been innovative and have provided us with hope during a difficult time.Our son did IOP and then needed something more and is now in Glenwood, Utah at the Pathways Wholeness Center. His experience at the Pathways Sandy location was great and he loved everyone there... especially Amy Hansen who was his personal therapist. She is an amazing therapist. Pathways has many levels of care for those with substance abuse, mental health disorders, and trauma… of all kinds. We know it will be a life saving blessing, to our son, to spend this time now in residential treatment.We cannot thank everyone at Pathways enough for their generosity and support. All of the employees are making a big difference, as they carefully support individuals with their specific needs, and help them recognize that their lives are of value and they are loved!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (18)

Emily Christensen

00:38 04 Feb 23

Pathways saved my life. I was in a really dark place before I went to their inpatient and continued onto their out patient program. They were very honest with me about my addiction and they were very honest about how I felt being there, which I was as well, I didn't want to lose my family. Their approach is very out of the box and not 12 step related although if the 12 steps work for you they will add that to your program. They also have sessions about core root issues to ones addiction rather than just talking about the surface issues which are just symptoms. The groups are very engaging. They always followed up with me both in and outside the program once I graduated. They really care about their patients. They even helped me find a therapist after I graduated. They set you up for success and aren't in it for the money like so many other treatment facilities.I highly recommend Pathways. FYI they do not accept Medicare bc Medicare only covers and recognizes social workers for mental health. They will work with you on payment plans and work very hard to make sure that you get the treatment that is needed.I entered the program at the age of 67, it is never to late to get help and live a sober and productive life.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (19)

Dane Spencer

22:38 03 Feb 23

I am so blessed to be with pathways. I finally feel like I am in the right spot with the right people. The executive team is beyond amazing and I have never seen anything like this before. A CEO (Michelle) and COO ( Tchelsey) are some of the most amazing humans on the planet. They know each client by name and take care of them like they were their own children. It’s amazing to watch such beautiful results come from such a beautiful program.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (20)

Elizabeth Spoeneman

19:06 27 Jan 23

This review won’t do the justice for all the amazing things that I have to say about Pathways. First off, coming to Pathways seriously might be the best decision that I have ever made in my life. I feel like every single person on this planet, weather you are recovering from addiction/trauma or not would benefit from all the lessons that I have learned in my time here. The staff is absolutely amazing and truly cares about every person that walks through the door. Pathways is such a safe place to get whatever type of help you need and is literally the definition of a judgement free zone. The more open and vulnerable you get in group sessions and in personal therapy, the more you will enjoy doing this amazing work of recovery. This place saved my life and I will forever be grateful for it.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (21)

TJ Prather

18:06 09 Jan 23

I wish I could repay what this program has given me. I suffer from alcoholism. I am always seen at the surface as the black sheep addict. Michelle created a program that looks so much deeper! I don't bite my nails, I stopped pulling out my hair, and my confidence boosted enough that I went on a date for the first time in 11 years! Thank you Michelle! Cate!... You're my all time hero! Josh... I can't even say how much you mean to me! Go UTES!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (22)

Josh Sorensen

22:05 04 Jan 23

Pathways is not just an exceptional place to find recovery and help when you need it. It’s a safe place to grow, to heal, and to get help with whatever it may be that you need help with.No two people are the same, and Pathways, and everybody involved in this treatment facility understand that you are unique and so is your experience. They will help you if you are ready to help yourself. I promise you that.Every single individual right down from the owner, to the COO, to the doctor to the behavioral therapists to the nursing staff to the staff itself meet you with the understanding that they will literally do anything for you. This place saved my life, and for that I’ll be grateful as long as I live.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (23)

Joshua Seppich

23:38 28 Dec 22

I don’t think I would be alive right now if I hadn’t found Pathways. I was at rock bottom with my mental health and while I was afraid to enter residential treatment, I was also afraid of the only other option I felt I had at the time, suicide. Entering this program is the best thing I have ever done for myself. They have provided me unconditional support and love, as well as the tools I never knew existed to learn about myself and how old thought patterns and beliefs have been holding me hostage. Yes, it’s hard work. And it’s work that no one else can do for you. It’s the hardest work I’ve ever done. But they offer the best support and most well rounded approach I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Thank you Michelle, for helping me see that I am worthy of this opportunity to live and be happy, and for creating this incredible program. Thank you to every single soul at Pathways for everything you do. Your love and care has not gone unnoticed and you will forever be treasured in my heart. ♥️

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (24)

Kirsten Jensen

20:27 19 Nov 22

There are no words to describe pathways out in Glenwood utah! I have been a addict of many things for over 13 years, in and out of rehab and jail! Pathways was the 3rd rehab I have attended, and mind you the shortest. My experience with pathways, Michelle and the staff is hard to put into words due to such an amazing experience! When I entered pathways I was a very angry distant alcoholic, who had lost hope in having a good life, and whom has lost faith in myself. The love, compassion and guidance I received while being there will be nothing I will ever find again (I believe) The spiritual healing I learned while there is something I will carry with me forever! The lessons, tools and self control they showed me is something I will have with me and remember for the rest of my life! The staff is so open and loving, no judgment involved. They were there for me 24/7 helping me figure out my addiction and assisting me with getting my outside life put back together. Michelle whom is the owner is one of the most amazing, strong minded people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The things she did for me, and the way she loved me having my back is something I have never experienced before, her and her program has truly saved my life and set me on a better path for myself as well as my children! Amanda and Chrissy whom are support staff are out of this world, they go up and beyond because they truly care and understand. While detoxing I never worried about my safety, Heather is the best nurse I have ever had the pleasure of being taken care of. The relationships I have gained while being there is something I will cherish forever. If you are lost, hopeless, and feeling there is no way out then please reach out to Pathways, the experience you will have out there is something you will never experience again! Pathways truly saved my life and re-wired my brain in a way that has never been done before! I have true faith and love for this program and I will forever be in their corner as they were in mine! Michelle I love you and you are one bad a** b*** thank you for helping me find myself again, and reminding me who I truly am and what i am capable of! Sincerely Lacy Jensen

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (25)

Lacyann Jensen

18:14 05 Nov 22

This treatment is amazing, it is different from other places and the staff and clients are all amazing and helpful, i came in worried and wary but very soon i felt welcomed and like i could relate with the other clients and like the therapists really cared for me. This place is absolutely amazing it made a huge change in my life and the clients felt like family with how caring and understanding they are.Update: It has been over a year since my time at pathways and My opinion has only grown stronger, my life has completely changed for the better and they have continued to check in with me. Tchelsey is an amazing person and was always making sure i was doing good and was very helpful working with me on my financial plan ensuring i was able to make my monthly payments. I am greatful for this place and the staff whom were and always will be so helpful and inspirational, they helped me walk the path to learn, grow, and become who i am today.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (26)

Chase Willoughby

04:13 20 Oct 22

Pathways completely changed my life! I am so grateful for Michelle and all of the other staff especially the staff in Glenwood. I would recomend Pathways to anyone who is struggling. I have my happiness and drive for life back thanks to them and I couldn't be more grateful! Michelle is such a wonderful and giving person and I feel blessed to have the oportunity to meet her.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (27)

Emiko Miyasaki

21:41 17 Jun 22

I found Pathways by a total accident, but it turned out to be the best accident of my life. After having some repressed traumas surface, I reached out to them thinking it was a psychiatrist office, not a drug and alcohol treatment program. After meeting with Michelle and hearing how they focus on healing trauma to help with the substance abuse, I decided to do the residential therapy. That was a year ago and after doing the residential program and group therapy, Pathways has set me up with the skills to continue my journey of heading and growth. If it wasn't for the help I received as well as the caring and compassionate staff, I very well may not be here right now.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (28)

Zachary Smith

12:26 02 Jun 22

I can’t say enough good things about this program. I’ve battled depression, anxiety, OCD and emotional regulation for most of my life. It wasn’t until 2020 that I recognized that I couldn’t do it on my own. I went to residential treatment for two months. It was the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to do for several reasons. I can’t speak enough about how great the clinical team and staff were there. Through one-on-one sessions, groups and activities, I learned a lot about myself and picked up a lot of good coping skills. After completing residential, I spent some time in IOP. The experience was similar. Through working with a therapist, a RS and groups, I felt myself growing. All and all, I spent about six months in the program and was sent out to take on the work with my new tools.It got tricky down the line, though, as the tools will always be there, but you have to have the ability to use them. It got away from me.After some personal issues, I ended back in residential treatment at the start of 2022. It was a fight for me. I was challenged in ways that I had never been before. I did find something in myself that gave me the confidence to keep pushing. I completed residential and moved on to IOP again.Things are different now. While they’re not perfect, I have acknowledged that it will always be a lot of work. I feel confident in the skills that I’ve learned and the tools that I’ve picked up. It took a lot of work for me and my treatment team to get there.If you’re looking for residential, this is the place. It’s comfortable, you get three good meals a day, the staff is great and are always on hand, you get a fair share of outdoor activities in a beautiful area to figure it out and most importantly, it gives you a safe place recover.I came to Pathways twice. It was hard to come back the second time because I felt like I failed after falling apart after my first journey. It wasn’t the end of the world. This speaks to how much trust, confidence and faith that I have in Michelle, her treatment team and staff. I am forever grateful to have been able to go on this journey with this team.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (29)

Jacques Garcia

15:45 18 Apr 22

When Chelsey called me to set up an intake appointment, I was in a very low place. She got me into an appointment that day, and in that short phone call alone I felt so much genuine love and concern from her. During the intake, I was given even more love! I could tell that everyone I spoke with genuinely cared about me and my well being. They went above and beyond that day for me, and gave me hope and help that I desperately needed in that moment.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (30)

Ashton Holt

05:46 11 Apr 22

Pathways saved my life. Had I know my experience would have been this great I would have sought out treatment years ago. I was treated with love and respect the minute I walked in the door. The staff at Glennwood treated me like family. The therapists and medical staff were the best I have ever worked with. I cannot say enough good about Michelle and the program she has put together.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (31)

Randy Yates

17:05 08 Apr 22

Here's a TL;DR - This program is life-changing. The staff is AMAZING and you can tell that they really care about the work they're doing and the people they are helping. They use multiple forms of therapy to make it all work together to truly heal the person. I'm only a few weeks in and I'm noticing a huge difference. I noticed a big difference in my mood within a week and the more I go the more confident I feel in myself and my ability to heal through the tools they are teaching me and the support they are offering me. I highly recommend Pathways, wholeheartedly.Initial assessment: Michelle and Tchelsey heard a little bit about what I was going through and asked me to come in for an assessment. Michelle made me feel comfortable right away and throughout the assessment I felt heard and understood, even though I had to say very little. Through the assessment it became very clear that Michelle cares about the people that she is helping (we both got emotional). Near the end of the assessment, knowing my financial and insurance situation, Michelle offered to scholarship me. I almost couldn't believe it. As soon as I left I just sobbed. I never dreamed I'd have access to such an amazing program. I've been needing this kind of program my whole life, and Michelle is giving me the opportunity to finally heal 30 years of trauma.PHP: I'm enrolled in the partial hospitalization program for trauma, which means that I am there from 9 - 2 every weekday. They also have an evening program If you have to go to work during the day. I've been in and out of therapy for 20 years and I can tell you that I'm learning so many amazing new skills that I've never even heard of before.Josh is both my individual therapist and he runs the trauma group. He's super down to earth, is open about his life and trauma, and he's really good at helping me feel comfortable enough to open up and be real about what's going on in my life and with my trauma. He is so good at explaining new concepts and assuring us that we don't have to understand everything all at once. He is an amazing teacher and he is so good at sitting with you in your trauma, letting you feel it, understand it, and then helping you walk through it and to the other side so that it doesn't affect you the same. A lot of my past therapists would kind of throw bandaid coping skills at me without a lot of context, but it wasn't until being in this trauma group that I have felt like I'm actually healing to the full extent. And I'm gaining new skills to keep healing from whatever gets thrown at me in my life.The recovery specialists are great. Nate has been so validating and helpful and I always walk away from my appointments with him feeling hopeful and ready to move forward.One day when Josh was out sick, Jerom (he is one of the therapists and runs an IOP group) subbed and did his IOP group for us. Jarom has such a calm and kind energy. You can't help but feel good when you're around him. I was having a really emotional day, and after his group I felt amazing. I felt more connected to myself and more connected to the people in my group. It was a very mindful, grounding experience.Tina runs multiple groups and they are each so good for different reasons. I feel like Tina is good at relating to each of us and helping us process shame, learn about the different parts of ourselves and why those different parts exist. She's good at meeting us at our level and is really good at validating or past experiences.Chelsea, who runs yoga/mediation is so kind and validating. She relates to each of us and has an amazing energy to be around. Each session, she asks what we are needing out of group that day and she caters to the needs of the group that day. It's really nice. Yoga days are probably my favorites.I could seriously keep going on about every staff member but Google will only let me type so much. Sage and Maasen at the front desk, Kim, Lana, Jaryd...EVERYONE there is just amazing.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (32)

Katie Taylor

22:28 25 Mar 22

My daughter was recently in the inpatient (Glenwood) and outpatient (Sandy) program. I cannot say enough good things. Michelle and Keegan were amazing and helped my daughter get her light and her life back. All of the faculty and therapists there are awesome!! I am so grateful that we sent my daughter to Pathways!!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (33)

Cassie Kerby

21:18 14 Mar 22

Pathways changed my entire life! If you are considering mental health treatment do yourself a favor and come to pathways!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (34)

Lillian Street

18:08 14 Dec 21

I was at my lowest point when Michelle came into my life. She had nothing to gain from helping me. Not even money. My insurance was gone and i was a lost cause. This program woke my consciousness and I found my true identity and it has nothing to do with being an addict. I attended many treatment centers before this program. This one is different because of individual treatment plans designed to build us back up and let go of the shame from our negative behaviors. Helping me repair my thoughts eventually healed my heart. I am so grateful pathways taught me that my happiness is my responsibility and helped me to find it. Michelle is a saint who guided me when no one else wanted me. If you really want to get better call here and ask them to help you.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (35)

Erin Stearns

20:14 16 Jul 21

Pathways saved my life. Definitely recommend for anyone that needs help psychologically, mentally, or addiction. Love everyone from here. This place is literally the best therapy I’ve ever received. I’ve been going to therapists since I was 4 years old. And this is the only place that has actually helped me.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (36)

Traci Kenner

00:00 16 Jul 21

Pathways gave me my life back. More specifically, they gave me the strength and courage to rebuild my life into something truly beautiful. I have spent the last two years slowly going downhill, physically and emotionally, until I was barely living at all. I didn't drive because I was too anxious, I didn't leave the house because of anxiety and depression. Finally my husband and our therapist asked me if I was willing to go inpatient somewhere to get help with my mental health and my medications. I was willing to get help. My husband and I found and chose Pathways by reading these reviews. I looked at the website and just the way they spoke about their passion for mental health care and the programs that they offered, I knew that this is where I wanted to go. I called and spoke to Chelsea and I met with her in person the next day. She made me feel so cared about and so safe to commit to the program.I went inpatient at the Glenwood facility a few days later. I thought I would fall apart when I got there, but I was able to fit right in. It felt like a family. The other clients were so welcoming and so kind, and the staff as well made me feel at home. The staff took care of all of my needs in a loving and safe manner. I jumped right in to the program. I was physical, I was brave. They made sure I had the support I needed to succeed in every day's activities.We went hiking, walking, to the gym, to meditate in the mountains, to equine therapy (which will change how you see and feel about horses in every way), yoga, Qi-Gong, energy work, reading, and a lot of group therapy (and I mean educational and effective group therapy that can be very hard to find). You have a therapist and recovery specialist to help guide you and your activities. You have an amazing doctor and nurses there to help you. Part of the process that I was very pleased with was changing from high doses of addictive medications to appropriate doses of healthy medications. It was so liberating to not be controlled by my medications anymore. That made me see and feel how strong I had become. I also become physically stronger and I lost 25lbs in my two months there, not a bad side effect of living an active life for the first time in years.My bedroom at Pathways was so beautiful. We all treated each other like roommates. We weren't called patients, we are called clients. And we were not treated like patients, but as clients treated with respect. We treated each other in the home with respect and worked as a group in all that we did, everyone had each other's back. I met some amazing people, both in the clients and the staff. They made a monumental difference in my life. I spent 10 weeks at Pathways and I'm deeply grateful for every day.I'm now home and participating in the PHP and later on in the IOP programs. I go to the Sandy location Mon-Fri 9-2. I have a therapist there as well as a recovery specialist. We participate in group therapy, individual therapy and continued care by the same medical doctor.I am so fortunate to have found Pathways and I truly mean this. They gave me every opportunity to grow and learn. I cried the day I realized I had gotten my self-esteem back. I don't think I ever really had it until now. I'm so grateful for my life and all that I have. I'm so very grateful for Chelsea and Michelle and all of the staff at Pathways for the gifts that they have given me. It's a beautiful program built on love and safety and positivity and educational strength. If you come to it with an open mind, you will get everything you hope for and so much more.I hope you all are safe and doing well. There is help out there for us. You don't need to live afraid or in pain. You just need to ask for help from someone who genuinely cares. And for me, that was and continues to be the staff at Pathways.

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Megan Steele

23:11 02 May 21

My wife tried this program after a long period of being overwhelmed by depression and anxiety. We couldn't be happier with the results so far.The residential program used a variety of therapies and activities to help build the confidence, inner strength, and self-knowledge needed to move on and start facing the deeper trauma at the root of everything.The medical team also helped her explore options in her medication, and the result is helping her much more both mentally and physically than anything she's tried before.There's still more to do, as she works through the outpatient program to adjust back to "normal", and as we both integrate what we're learning into our relationship and life together. We're both looking forward to the rest of the process to see what else we can get out of it.

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Greg Steele

22:25 02 May 21

When I came to Pathways for help, I had no idea what to do. I felt completely out of control and terrified. They absolutely changed my life. I learned amazing tools that have helped so much, and every second here has been worth it. In the beginning it felt too good to be true - but it really is that good. I am so grateful I found them. I finally feel in control in my life again, and I know what I can do to help myself if I get stuck. I have never felt so capable. I honestly recommend Pathways for anyone - they can help!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (39)


15:49 26 Apr 21

I have so many feelings because of Pathways. In 2019, I jumped out of my comfort zone and met with Michelle regarding my desire to offer sound healing group sessions to the clients at Pathways in Glenwood. I have been doing group sound sessions every other week since our meeting. It has become one of my biggest joys and it makes my heart so full. I'm happy to be able to add one more layer of love in healing and recovery to these beautiful humans. In late 2020, pathways helped my own mother overcome her battle with alcoholism. It has been the most beautiful and empowering journey to witness. Seeing my own mother rise and choose herself in order to stay here and start living her life with joy, and love of self and others. It has been a complete 180! She is not who she was before alcoholism, but she is much stronger and beautiful than ever before! I'm am so incredibly grateful for the healing and love that I have been apart of since I have connected with pathways! It truly is a place of healing and support.

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Sacred Sisters

16:09 24 Apr 21

I came here in a deep depression and a lifetime of trauma. Pathways was an incredible process for me to deal with what I was going through. Analytical therapy, positive reinforcement, and being surrounded by others going through their own issues put me in a genuinely empathetical environment, one that served as an incubator for me to grow, heal and get my life back. I highly recommend Pathways to anyone looking for help.

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Elsa Rivera

20:48 23 Apr 21

Pathways literally saved my life so I cant say enough good things about them. They gave me a safe, compassionate, and supportive place to fall apart and rebuild myself. Ive learned invaluable lessons that I will use for the rest of my life and teach my children. Thank you so much to everyone at Pathways that helped me on my journey. You people are amazing!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (42)


20:46 23 Apr 21

I was lost, loosing to my addiction to alcohol. I almost died.Something had to change. I’ve been going to pathways for about a month. I’m part of the trauma track and joined in on the silver living. During this time I’ve gone from giving up. To I am happy inside I feel good and I love myself again. The confidence that I have in myself now I know I can do anything.If you are feeling depressed, Fighting a addiction. Or having trouble with past trauma. This is the place to go.Thanks to the therapist and staff. Because of there support and love. I have never felt better. I am honestly a better man. Thank you pathways team

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Thomas Skuppin

02:47 23 Apr 21

This place SAVED MY LIFE!! when I arrived I was severely depressed and had a suicide plan. Pathways and their unique combination of therapeutic treatments allowed me to face my demons and recognize the strength I have inside. It’s been one year since I since I first came to pathways and my life is on a new trajectory to a life that support my strength and values. Most important Michelle and her top notch staff taught me the skills to recognize when I am in crisis and challenge my negative thoughts and stay on course. If you’re suffering, this is the place to be. All my thanks to pathways.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (44)

Ken Wiltrout

15:25 27 Feb 21

I cannot recommend this place enough for anyone who needs help working on their mental health . Everyone here is very professional and they are the most caring individuals that you can come across when needing help in this field . The year of 2020 has been very difficult on me and my mental health, I was suicidal from extreme depression and just wanting to end my suffering, I couldn’t care anymore about life, I wasn’t able to feel like going on, I was done. My boyfriend reached out to them and I got into treatment right away. They have a residential treatment center for those who need it, but I worked with their outpatient program. I suffer from extreme depression, anxiety, OCD, and an eating disorder. During my time there they have just recently updated their program and it’s incredibly helpful with teaching coping tools, and tools for learning to love and accept yourself. Michelle, Chelsea, Josh, Dr. Sellers, the whole team truly care about you and wanna help you get better so that you can live a happier life. After months of sessions, and working hard on myself every day, I have tools to continue through life, that are helping me. I’m still working on myself outside of treatment, and I will continue every day to maintain how good I feel, how much better my relationships are, and how much I want to continue living. I owe my life, literally, to pathways. If you’re suffering from anything, I hope you’ll give pathways a chance to save your life

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Terri Nikolits

21:36 21 Dec 20

The group at Pathways have been amazing. They are professional, caring and very intuitive. Their approach to therapy is both refreshing and effective. I’m so glad I have been introduced to this group. They have helped me immensely!

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (46)

Dustin Thompson

21:08 15 Dec 20

My journey started with pathways in August of 2019 after a suicide attempt. I was depressed and blaming everyone else for my own problems. I spent 37 days in their residential treatment center. I thought I got the help and tools I needed at the time. I did, but after a few months of going back to real life, I just stopped my work. I thought I was better and I thought I was healed. I stopped all my individual and group therapy. I stopped using the tools that pathways provided for me. I stopped caring for my daughter like I should have. I stopped caring about my own health as well. Everyday was a struggle to get out of bed. I called them back in August of 2020 and they were happy to welcome me back into the program. I went back to the residential treatment program for another month, I got diagnosed with Rapid-cycle Bipolar 1. The doctors and therapists worked hard for me. I was put on the right medication. After I transitioned out of the residential center I moved to Salt lake and started group therapy. At times I get frustrated because sometimes the groups are hard for me to relate to, but Ive learned its a state of mind. You only get what you put into your treatment. I am still living at the sober living house and still attending groups and feeling better everyday. Their staff in the residential center are amazing. As well the staff at the Sandy office. They really care about each individual client. Michelle, the owner, really cares about all of her clients. Although she is a very busy woman she will always make time to talk to you if you need. I have grown so much as a person and as a mother. It has been a hard battle, but pathways has helped me find myself and has given me tools so I can live to my full potential. I highly recommend this program to anyone and everyone. If you are struggling with drug/alcohol abuse or even just for mental health call Pathways. They will for sure help you like they have helped me.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (47)

Kayla Munro

00:33 02 Nov 20

When I arrived at Pathways, I was extremely depressed, full of anxiety, and addicted to drugs. It took some time, but now I am happy and I have tools to manage a much lower level of anxiety. I have been clean for 21 months. Pathways offers medication assisted therapy (MAT), which can help addicts be successful in staying clean. They also offer genetic testing, which helps you find out which medications are most compatible with your body, if you are in need of medication. The staff at Pathways care about clients and are willing to go the extra mile to help them. I am very grateful to Pathways for their patience with me and for giving me the tools I needed to be a happy, whole person. I am very grateful to Michelle and her staff for never giving up on me.

Our Team - Pathways Real Life Recovery (48)


22:25 19 Oct 20

Michelle has been awesome, she's always super supportive and caring. The entire staff team, therapists, and doctor are all great as well. I've been to several other centers in the past with no success, however pathways was able to help me where other places couldn't. I highly suggest atleast meeting with Michelle and checking the place out!

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Scott Horil

19:52 19 Oct 20

I highly recommend pathways to anyone looking to start their therapeutic journey, they have one of the best programs I’ve experienced along with friendly and respectful staff as well as an amazing doctor they work very closely with.

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harry watkins

19:33 28 Sep 20

💚💚💚Pathways wholeness Center is undoubtedly a divinely built and Powerful program that shifted my belief system and overall quality of life.Throughout my life I have experienced sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, and deep negative belief systems. Although on the surface I had great success in life, I have never felt whole and healthy until working with Michelle and the amazing staff at pathways.Rather than just putting a bandaid on the surface to cover the cause of my trauma/addiction, Pathways worked on the core cause of the trauma, while healing problems from the inside out. The philosophy and execution of this program is absolutely life-changing.The facility is very clean and nice. They provide great nutritious meals and comfortable living conditions. Lots of fun hiking trips, and social interaction while learning to have joy without using drugs or alcohol. The staff is second to none, full of love and willing to help however they can.If you are considering a better life away from the prison of addiction and or mental disorders, this is the best of the best!!!!💚💚💚💚

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Braden Blood

20:01 09 Jun 20

Amazing place with wonderful staff!

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Shawnee Boswell

03:27 09 Mar 20

This program is amazing! Totally changed my life. As well as amazing staff who truly care!

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Ashley Watson

20:22 02 Mar 20

Pathways has been an amazing program for me. I travelled from out of state to participate in the program and it was worth every mile of red-eye travel. It took me a few weeks to really be open to the style of treatment they provide, however, the patience and understanding allowed me to truly find my authentic self and begin the process to heal from my trauma. I enjoyed the fitness recreation part of the program that encourages a healthy body for a health mental well being. Our bodies require a healthy hygiene routine, so our mental wellness also requires a proper routine to maintain healthy “mental hygiene.”

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Jordan Fredriksson

20:44 26 Feb 20

Pathways has lifted my life to such a high level that I didn’t know was possible. I am so grateful for this program.

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Tina Rice

18:21 26 Feb 20

Pathways is such an amazing place to take time to get healthy and whole in a healing environment. The staff at Pathways is caring and compassionate. They truly want happiness and healing for all that enter the doors. Pathways is also located in the heart of southern utah surrounded by beautiful views.

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Karlee Mackay

21:15 14 Nov 19

Pathways Wholeness Center brings hope and healing to those struggling with mental health and addiction. The staff of committed to supporting clients in finding their life's vision and living a life of wholeness, health and happiness

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Wendy Stilson

18:08 14 Nov 19

If you are looking for a place to heal - look no further! This program is life changing. The recovery of every client is so important to the pathways team. The facility is a tranquil loving environment and located in one of the most beautiful parts of Utah!

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Bevenee Crofts

04:06 01 Nov 19

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Pathways Real Life

230 W Towne Ridge Pkwy
Suite 150
Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: 801.895.3006





Inpatient Treatment Services

Pathways Wholeness Center

189 E Center Street
Glenwood, Utah 84730
Phone: 435.287.2700

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Pathways Supportive Living for Women

West Jordan, UT 84084
Phone: 801.895.3006

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Residential Living Services

Pathways Supportive Living for Men

Sandy, UT 84094
Phone: 801.895.3006

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230 W Towne Ridge Pkwy
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Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: (801) 895-3006
Email: info@pathwaysreallife.com
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.