Luciferian archon ruling matrix part 14, summer of 2024, the radiance of stars astro theology origin of religions,all is basicly pagan yeast! (2024)

Cult of Saturn ruling saturnian moon matrix:
Saturn’s rings are broadcasting a parasitic reality to Earth, through their low frequency vibration.
Saturn and the moon are broadcasting this fake, parasitic reality into our frequency range- this is the Saturn cube matrix.. this virtual reality we’re experiencing has a hex over it/ many are stuck in a 3-dimensional frequency range because that’s what Saturn is creating for this world. The moon picks up this reality broadcasted from Saturn and further distorts it into square waves to keep you operating in the masculine/left brain. Right now we are Inside our own heads sharing in a collective dream to experience ourselves subjectively (uni-verse), but our dream has been hijacked by an artificial intelligence (a virus) which has turned this into an Energy- Extraction Matrix to produce vibrational food for Non-human entities the inorganic and half organic hyperdimensional aliens -archons and the jinn the fallen celestial beings.
Saturn/satan/Lucifer the destroyer , Shiva , that’s why jacin and boaz computers on Saturn in 4th dimension in its lower astral realm the etheric realm with signals of hyper omega frequency was anointing a linga the axis mundi , Saturn is with Typhon archon the Set the destroyer . He reffered to the linga as the stairway to heaven . The linga is the miniture axis mundi that broke up from the underworld to reach the lower heavens Anu/anubis or Nut , just like the great mountainhouse Enlil , Set and Typhon the storm gods known as Ashur , The star of Rudra , Shiva is on the Sirius b Sirius the wolf star , Creator of creation Father God Yahweh and Mother Goddess Shekinah Glory Holy Spirit and Lord Yahushua judged baal , that entity baal he is jupiter Amon Ra and he is with Yaldabaoth entity worshiped in Vatican with Dagon there also worshiped.

Cult of Saturn is the world ruling cult with 2 cults the cults of mars and venus as well, but they are bigger part of Saturnian cult!Saturnian cult rule the world with azurus senate – today known as illuminati and orzohov sindicate as Vatican that have knights templar and masons who hold nasa and nesara and un and European union, bilderbergs connected and other secret societies and political societies and mystery schools along with controlled opposition cults like truth movement and new age movement.
They rule this archontic matrix with Saturn moon matrix, jacin and boaz computers on Saturn send with saturnian rings to moon where is demiurge computer and hal9000 computer informations, that send to earth´s computer in earth lower astral known as “solve et coagula” rule of these computers have archons the fallen celestial beings and the jinn, and fallen annunaki, and under them andromedans- insectilians from the Andromeda galaxy.Did the Archons Infect Enki´s children the nephilim giants and Other Ancient Astronaut children ?yes!
How much control do these Soul Parasites have currently?How God allows them to have!
The Orion Dynasty of orion star system, Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra,Amon Ra,Osiris, Isis,Tiamat,Lilith,Madia, Innana,Asura Connection.
Are we living in a highly advanced A.I. etheric/astral system right now?Yup
The clandestine side of Malibu California is ruled by time travelers and Mardukite and Tiamatian nephilim giants under the earth!
Area 51 hides physical aliens and interdimensional ones the archons!
Abrahamic religions are using from Vatican symbolism of Saturn, in Christian churches cross as cube, the star of david in Judaism is cube, and cube in mecca is black cube in islam!The cross is salvation symbol, but the cross that gothic cathedrals have are attracting gargoyles the fallen celestial beings!
The Abrahamic religions are a veiled form of Saturn worship.
Of course, many things in society are actually veiled forms of Saturn worship, so the reality is that many people are all worshipping Saturn at some point or another, even though most will go through their entire lives completely unaware of this. The saturnian cult elite group that is guiding the saga of planet Earth with their orion star system archons have been doing so for thousands of years, since the time of Atlantis and Lemuria,Mesopotamia and the Sumerian god by the name of Enlil. Enlil is also on Saturn. The occult practices Saturn worship, and Saturn symbolism is everywhere throughout society; it is inescapable. “The Lord of the Rings” is a reference to Saturn, as well as the symbolism behind wedding rings. The halo that is often depicted over the heads of religious figures in art is also a reference to Saturn’s rings. There are several corporate logos paying tribute to Saturn, from Nike to Nissan. Then of course there is the cube, which is the link to the Saturn worship hidden within the Abrahamic religions symbolism also.
As I previously stated, the Saturn occult has been behind every great empire throughout history. This cult, made up of many famous individuals in Hollywood, politics, sports, music and religion,education and academia is hoarding esoteric knowledge for themselves and also practicing black magic. During Super Bowl halftime shows and other musical performances broadcast by the MSM, we can see the Saturn cult performing rituals or acting out historical and religious events, under the guise of “theatrical dance”. They might recall back when they had control over the Egyptian empire. The Egyptian god Set is Saturn/satan/Lucifer, and Isis is his daughter spiritualy. The Statue of Liberty is actually a statue of Diana Lucifera-female version of Lucifer.
The Saturn cult has deceived us all at one point, and I deprogrammed much, and other people, but many majority are still deceived not only the followers of the Abrahamic religions but also the the astro theology people-atheists. Charles Darwin was a member of the Saturn cult, a freemason, who talked about superiority, he never claimed that humans came from animals and he said this quote: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”, but his close followers who are Jesuits from Vatican, who of course propagated the Theory of Evolution, which was combined with the lie of paleontology to ignite the modern atheist movement and new age movement where people claim to be gods the first lie satan told to eve that people can be as gods, the same lie taken after begginingg of time. The occult has less respect for atheists than Christians and Judaism people and islamics, even, for atheists are blind to the intelligent design in the sacred geometry making up material reality as a result of listening to the lies propagated by insincere cult members pretending to be atheists themselves while they worship satan and are theistic Satanists where they made also not theistic Satanist cults and movements, but claim not to worship real devil but they do, just to get naïve kids who know crimes of Vatican against Indians, to reject God , not religion, and religion means relaying on the jinn the genie, the fallen celestial being!
Again, this all goes back to the black cube of Saturn. Recent photos of Saturn from N.A.S.A -NASA- NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SATANIC ACTORS – MOON LANDINGS HAVE NEVER SHOWN SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND ANIMALS BY FREEMASONIC 380 DEGREE FREEMASONS! And this cult nasa show the cube on the north pole of Saturn, known as the hexagon storm. How did ancient civilizations know of the black cube of Saturn? Muslims take a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca, a building shaped like a black cube, which they run around the outside of in circles, representing the rings of Saturn. Practitioners of Semitic religion where phylacteries on their forehead and arm while they pray. Phylacteries are actually small black cubes. The cube also fits inside the center of the Star of David. So both the Muslim and Jewish people are partaking in Saturn worship. What about the Christians? What is their representation of Saturn? It is the cross; the cross is a cube that has been unfolded.The orthodox and catholic churches have also many occult symbolism, and energy and rituals and robes took from Dagon worship who is a fish God a fallen cherubim from atlantic ocean near spain!
They took bible verses out of context and denny many stuff! Bible is none other than Holy Book of truth that they use out of context, which is valid, and they in other cults speak things against it because they know that it exposes satan, Set, and another fallen cherubim the pagan god of time-Chronos – that is, father time himself to this saturnian cult. Both Satan and Santa are also derived from Saturn santa claus is satan or saturnalia… in fact, Christmas is actually the Pagan holiday Saturnalia. Laugh and call me a conspiracy theorist if you wish, but everything here is the truth I told you.

Animist Origins of Babylonian Celestial Religion of saturn:
“To arrive at a proper comprehension of Babylonian religious doctrines it is necessary to understand the nature of the astrological speculations of the ancient Chaldeans.
They recognized at an early period that eternal and unchangeable laws underlay planetary motion, and seem to have been able to forecast eclipses. Soon also did they begin to identify the several heavenly bodies with the gods. Thus the path of the sun was known as the”‘way of Anu,” and the course of the moon and planets they determined with reference to the sun’s ecliptic or pathway.

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans,
It is strange, too, that they should have employed the same ideograph for the word ‘star’ and the word ‘god,’ the only difference being that in the case of a god they repeated the sign three times. If the sun and moon under animistic law are regarded as gods, it stands to reason that the stars and planets must also be looked upon as lesser deities.
Indeed, poets still use such an expression regarding them as ‘the host of heaven,’ and we frequently encounter in classical authors the statement that the stars in their courses fought for such and such aperson.Sothe archontic alien races the fallen celestial beings in certin planets and stars they are worshiped by cult of Saturn and the places where they are worshiped these beings and planets and stars where they reside!

This is tantamount to saying that the stars possess volition, and even although omens were looked for out of their movements, it may have been believed that these were the outcome of volition on the part of the stars themselves as deities or deific individuals.
Again we can see how the idea that the gods reside in ‘heaven’ —that is, the sky—arose from early astrological conceptions. The gods were identified in many cases with the stars, therefore it is only natural to suppose that they resided in the sky-region. It is, indeed, one of the most difficult matters for even an intelligent and enlightened man or a woman in our enlightened age to dissociate the idea of God from a residence in the sky or ‘somewhere up there.’ Only FOOLS OF HIGHEST DEGREE denny any higher Creative force and power!

The idea of space, too, must have assisted in such a conception as the residence of the gods in the upper regions of air. The earth would not be large enough for them, but the boundless vault above would afford them plenty of space in which to dwell.
Again, the sun and moon being gods, it would be only natural for the other deities to dwell beside them, that is, in the ‘heaven of Anu,’ as the Babylonians called the sky. It has been suggested that the conception of a pantheon dwelling in the sky originated in theological processes forwarded by a school or priesthood, but there is no reason to suppose that this was so, and the possibilities are easily covered by the circ*mstances of the animistic theory.”

The periods in Earth’s history when people were aware of the planets lying beyond Saturn, but that knowledge was lost and a bit concealed,after the deluge, after the Noahic flood of Atlantis and Lemuria. So, during this era in which the Saturn cult emerged, Saturn was believed to be the most outer of the planets.

The days of the week are named after the first seven planets, or “planets.” I say “planets” because the Sun is considered to be a planet in astrology also. Saturday is Saturn’s day.True rest day is Shabbat-Saturday.Not Sunday-sun-day-amon ra.

In contemporary times, Capricorn is exclusively ruled by Saturn. During the era of discussion, Saturn ruled both Capricorn and Aquarius. Today, with the discovery, or rediscovery, of the planets beyond Saturn, Aquarius is generally believed to be ruled by Uranus, although some believe that Aquarius has a dual rulership of Saturn and Uranus.And that is true, Uranus have Jacobs ladder that been limited till now because saturnian archons are thereas well.

Back to the era of discussion, we have clues that Satan is a reference to the Capricorn astrological “month” of rulership. Satan is depicted with horns. The goat, or sea goat, of Capricorn has horns. Pan is another example of a Capricorn/Saturn archetype god. Pan also has horns.

Another clue is that the Winter Solstice occurs during the astrological “month” of Capricorn, just inside of the cusp with Sagittarius. It is when the Sun of God is born, or reborn- it is horus ra- or Apollo, child of satan/Lucifer. It took the people of the era, with the instruments at their disposal, three days to determine that the daylight hours had begun to increase in length after the Winter Solstice (shortest hours of daylight of the year). This is why Christmas/saturnalia is celebrated on December 25th. It was when the Sun was born, or reborn. It occurs during the astrological “month” of Capricorn.

Satan and Santa Claus are both the same being and with Saturn planet where that being is,the archetypes of Capricorn are there in energy and Saturnian sphere.

the Star of David is also a 666 symbol when is not rotating in multidimensional original merkaba form. Those who follow it are the Canaanites according to genetic studies. And yes, the Abrahamic religions are Satanic symbolism pagan gods the fallen celestial beings the archontic entities worship, and so are the other major religions of the world. The brotherhood of the snake, serving their lord Satan who is the ruler of this lower realm (in part, using the frequencies generated by the HEX-a-gram at Saturn’s North Pole to keep us locked in this spiritual dimension, the blood of YAHUSHUA brakes this rule to higher spiritual planes and beyond all physical planes that satan control or that God allowed satan to, thus YAHUSHUA´S DYING ON CROSS AND RESSURECTION AS KEY TO FREEDOM IS AMAZING TO FREE US FROM EVIL AND THE MATRIX SIMULATION AND THE VIRUS IN THE SYSTEM), the matrix virus has corrupted all of them with false teachings. Have you realized, come to the understanding, who the TRUE Jesus Christ is? He is living and eternal word of God made flash and is now in glorified resurrected flash. Additionally, if you reverse much of what is said in the Bible, and pray to know mysteries, things get interesting…was it truly Satan who tried to give us “forbidden” knowledge, or GOD? God made the trees, also forbidden, something says about that!Would God truly separate man into many tongues, casting them into ignorance? Well, satan knew how to create pre cern as today there is cern system stargate, where is satanic opening to fallen celestial beings. Or, would the architect of this artificial reality matrix, Satan, do that instead?No, he gives bits and peaces, but if you escape him, you will see much more!

666 has different meanings, whether use Greek numerology, or Hebrew numerology. The whole concept of the Mark of the beast is completely same, the names show the beast of book of revelation9:11 and the 2001 had 911 ritual happen taring down the towers symbolic of Sirius a and b star and orion and jacin and boaz astral computers on Saturn, that activated more rule on the planetary matrix binary code system virus!

666 is shiva , cern , Apollo is child of shiva-satan and the serpent represents inner illumination to illuminati luciferians, this is the reason why the egyptian pharohs bore the ureus on their headress . Alexander the Great was the image of Apollo the son of satan, who is first archdemon that also with armies of Amon Ra Jupiter and the babylonian Marduk who took the position of leading many archons , patriarchy is by Marduk and Matriarchy of of Tiamat it is Luciferian and patriarchy is Satanism of Enlil , Typhon , Set , Ashur the chief god of the Assyrians . Saturn , the bull represents the earth Ki where the kundalini counterfit spiritual anointing spirit rests in the muldahara chakra.

And also if you don’t have to be good and moral, then satan would not do war against those who keep commandments of God, and YAHUSHUA-JESUS SAID I COME NOT TO ABOLISH LAW AND PHROPHETS BUT TO FULLFIL THEM!

So get this that you don’t have to do works because YAHUSHUA died on cross, no he did die to free you from sin not so that you can sin all you want, that is Satanism of thelema religion do what you want that is anarchy and satanism:

Here is 2 bible verses that also support and say and first before that said in bible the faith without works is dead, so here is more key verses that support that:

Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

Revelation 12:17 King James Bible
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Here is second one that has given that says that says king james, you check, hah here we go you dispensationalist devils who say that YAHUSHUA will rapture people who just say salvation prayer before tribulation, that are lies straight from hell and date setters when are eclipses and all the cern portal openings to let satanic forces! The dragon is satan, he is fallen dragon fallen cherubim.

Bible says not even angels will know, it will be on feast of trumpets the roshhashanah jewish new year , but date is not known, and here it says:

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: forthat day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition”- antichrist!

So rapture is after antichrist rises!

And no date is known of it!

Yes it was Satan indeed who have anagram of planet Saturn the name that planet got where is the fallen cherubim. It just so happens your Savior understands this cult of death, where their art, is murder. This cult is responsible for all of the evils of this world, since the beginning of written history. It is the beginning of his story, and this story has played out from the beginning, till this moment in time. Now Our Lord YAHUSHUA Savior is here to free humanity from this trap. A trap we were all born into.

One of the best snippets it is to know as much as you possibly can… Its obvious the entire earth worships Saturn. There are certainly dark aspects, which undoubtedly some participate in. (Many of these act in darkness to manifest the light. Everything in this world is a fractalized duality). However, it cannot be over-stated enough; these people openly worship Saturn because it rules the material world. Often the evil they portray is designed to obfuscate the source of their power by turning people away, always through fear. Brad Pitt & J-z openly give tribute to Satan. It sounds so scary, but its not. We are spiritual beings. We are everlasting, always been, always will be. This is our nature and identity. We are having a temporary experience called Human. This experience takes place via the domain of Saturn.

Finding the balance between “store not your treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy” and being an outright materialist dominated by the Ahrimanic energies is key.

Historically known as Cronus, Moloch, El, Remphan, Shiva etc, the archon of this world, the tempting destructive energy that rules over governments of the world. Here is question why do governments love this deity when it is only the destructive principle of nature? Well it is making chaos and making from chaos the order where these beings by power of archons can represent themselves as saviours or good people who care for this world which is lie, they are selfish pigs and politics is durty business.

Power, martial power, and work, wealth are all forms of Saturn. Saturn is a material God, and action is power. This doesn’t imply good action either, when you are ‘acting’ on the job, you are bowing your holes to Saturn. Saturn is an anus god, he looks after the feces after they exit your anus.

The reason why governments worship Saturn is because they cannot control themselves, Saturn is the death-god and the current world governments derive their power from the fact that you are afraid of death. The forgetting you have soul and you being afraid to die is form of mind control and govern to govern is meaning to rule and ment means mind- so goverement means mind control!

death in the spirit world is just emanation to the material world. Having to go to work and rely on money and needing to sleep is just knowing death, and exposure to Saturn. Governments are the bottom feeders eating those feces, and they know that once you don’t fear death, they lose their powers and can’t eat feces anymore.

Spirit/soul can nod die, it is energy, and energy can not be destroyed but can be changed!

the moon , enzimiel, sin symbolises the spirit in matter , earth saturn . The moon is the symbol of the aristocracy or noble ruling caste reffered to as Kshatreya from where Kings arose . In platos republic the Kshatreya are the guardian class in Rome they were the patricians . Many Kings where the image of Apollo who was Horus in Ègypt . Alexander the Great and emporer constantine were the image of Apollo!

Enlil is reffered to as the mountain house the mountain is the Axis Mundi that breaks up from the earth and reaches into the heavens . The Shiva linga is infact a miniature version of the axis mundi that devotes can worship . Lingas represent the muldahara chakra where the kundalini counterfit spirit in religious tamples coils three times . Saturn or the earth under saturn symbolised by a bull represents the linga or muldahara chakra , this chakra is refered to as malkuth in the kabbalah that denotes the kingdom . Saturn the Earth is Also the dark side of the moon , Soma or haoma the substance that confers immortality in the form of the eternal spirit , the Rauch or the wind . Ashtaroth and the goddess sin- the lunar goddess was worshipped as the tree of life , the word shu in the name denotes the wind or the rauch vayu in the east , prana or brahman the Atman self the intelligence .

The ancient gods are represented in elements of such I up gave that are arch archons for many archons of such things.

I saw Dragons ((666= the Great Dragon or Serpent bible calls satan & the southern pole of Saturn dubbed by astronomy, the Great Dragon Storm)) in 2015, Red and Blue; Fire and Water Chinese looking Dragons: KOOZDEO and VAAGOFIOS their names were ((pendulum helps of emerald crystal made and enchanted with hinduistic mantras in cern to let these beings into this world when eclipses are!))..

21-12-2016 Illuminati opened the gates portals to pindar dragon of planet riz and kolab and rahab and saturn. 16-1-2017, I came to find out about the archons that are reptilians that David Icke talks about; immediately thinking of OLYMPUS. Very time if I had a pegasus with me and Yes the thing is the Pegasus told me that AZAZEL been the one who joined satan after linear time fall fallen archangel who did not fall in haven originaly with Lucifer/satan.

So my lightbodily seen sports today have egregores that are worked in rituals that is all taken is all is really from OLYMPUS, Ares; the God of War. And my elemental see that I seen, the Dragon- the element they are mostly is fire.

Saturn didn’t smell like a serpent or a Dragon at all though, through my clairsalience, the Dragon Nose; I picked up his smell: INTERDIMENSiONAL!!.. NÓT I repeat NÓT from this planet, solarsystem nor universe even! The Archonic Force had taken a hold of him; from outside of the quarantaine zone ((Universe)) he was influenced wrongly that planet by satan!

Nowadays, Saturn changes codes for one world goverement in first earth! The 4th parallel earth will have there new agers some picked up who will have false light body and false merkabas!

On 17-9-2017 Illuminati made earth go thrue the OCTAVE-SHIFT, 8 days after the ritual happened of some sort,the invocation into main dark mages the 5 elements: I am the elementalists who I see working tghat are not lightworkers and darkworkers like new agers and neo esotericists of middle path. Nothing like them, this been really high level stuff happening!

26-9-2022 we have, with the entire universe ((” as above so below, as within so without; as the universe: so the soul” Hermitus Trismegistus)),- which is in bible also here it is:

“Matthew 18:18

Truly I tell you,whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. “ mirrored into PANDORA; a stellar driven evervast which I seen created during the Ascension Protocol (planed the counterfit ascention rapture of the satellite moon with ashtar command galactic federation of light-luciferian federation) . We have entered the true cosmos now, the real Cosmos the extremely VAST COSMOS!!.. The veil will lift in this upcoming decade, Galactic re-alignment will take place; and we will truly become a cosmological: space faring race thereafter..

True new earth and new haven bible talk about will come but before it will come counterfit that are of new age movement one world religion false new Jerusalem and counterfitetd crystals and all!

The matrix reset that been in 2018 that have its things got together in 2022 is number 4 and the 4 are archangels that are Michael and Gabriel and Uriel and Raphael that will let 4 judgement ones:

What is Revelation 9 13?
13Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the [four]* horns of the gold altar before God, 14telling the sixth angel who held the trumpet, “Release the four angels* who are bound at the banks of the great river Euphrates.” – ( Who are the 4 angels of death in the Bible?
Death (Thanatos), Famine (Limos), War (Ares), and Conquest or Glory (Zelus). ( spirits let in end times for purpose as part of judgement of God )
vatican-nasa and nesara-jesuit zionism exposed-the wall street criminal scam Lord YAHUSHUA/Jesus exposed by turning tables upsiode down and beating people who run scams in the tample, here is more about them and about the elites spawned from them and spiritual warfare prayers:

Archons/-aliens-fallen celestial beings and all dark forces and lucuferian quantum matrix exposed end times luciferian new world order end times armageddon and spiritualwarfare

pray against the choronzon the spirrit of chaos and against spirit of religion which is Yaldabaoth. Pray against saturnian and Jupiter and venus and mercury and plutonian spheres and elements!

At Saturn’s north pole we see the so-called “Star of David”, Shatkona, Swastika, Hexagram, Cube, (Tefilin, Kaaba, Black Cube) The “Cross” is the unfolded Cube, at it’s south pole is the “All-seeing Eye”!

The “Black Sun”, “Saturn” aka “Satan, Santa (anagram of Satan)!

all Abrahamic religions are actually pagan with their symbolism, but Creator of creation the Elohim of Abraham and Isac and Jacob is above saturnian matrix, and if you want to be , Lord YAHUSHUA is key, he is Elohim, the part of Holy Trtinity!

Allah is Shiva he is hubal , sin the moon his star is shiria ( Sirius) allat is the female Allah , Allat is also moon diety sin, Soma haoma,…. allat and alluza is Kali , kali is Saturn cronos El . Manat is the waning moon the personification of death, these beings are emanations names of satan and similar archontic influences!

Shiva is Tamas , he needs shakti and shakti needs him , infact the shiva linga represents the base chakra and the base chakra represents saturn the bull El . The Summerian Enlil is Saturn , Saturn or Enlil is Ashur of the Assyrians , Ashur is Rudra ,Shiva the howler who’s star is Sirius the star of Saturn . The Muslims maintain that sirius is the star of Allah , Allah is shiva and shakti , the earth and the spirit , lil air .

Allah is satan, it is stated in quran that allah is lord of nations and bible says that satan is prince of this world!

Lilith and Kali are in same line just as Lucifer /satan with Laviathan, Leviathan is sea serpant the fallen draconic cherubim like satan.

On that note about Sirius, many monolithic “holy” sites around the world attributed to the Nephilim all had their focal points pointing towards Sirius.

These sights in reality being in homage to the nephilim, anakim, annunaki and grigori and igigi

I’ve been looking into this a bit and I can pretty well guarantee there’s a big something to the Saturn thing but it’s not as cut and dry as people would have you belive.

First off I knowing that Catholicism in my awakening spiritual awakening time when I got born again spiritually awakened and repenting of sins, the kind that do some catholics I know in Jesuit order with cabala mysticism,they also do Latin rituals and read the douhey-reahms, an can guarantee that Saturn’s influence has infiltrated and created the Catholic church and most forms of Christianity to high degrees.

The Kabba thing and it makes a tons of sense to be also one of major saturnian influence for reasons I will go into momentarily.

As for Judaism I am not actually saying, but much also there stuff is to say yes definitively but I have a feeling it was corrupted as well, just like modern Christianity and Islam. In Jewish Kabbalah El is actually the name of God in the hebrew , and many false translations are false, Yahweh is good, but Jehovah is associated with Zeus who is satan, and the Sephirot of Chesed, YHVH Elohim is the name of God in short really, anyways the on aartificial tree of life that sefirot associated with Kronos the pagan god of time another fallen cherubim who is on Saturn planet. I have made the seeing in astral the etheric realms with my spiritual guides archangels and elves, that Set connection is true to satan in Egyptian mysticism, he made virus and merged with it, before and while I couldn’t really find any reffrences I seen later , the influences are in lower astral realm akashic records if you see them informations you feel need and are deep mysteries want to lead you to gates of necronomicon forces in gates that you can as organic form of life let exanomorph which are pure evil, in these instances of child eating/sacrifices to Set he did castrate the Sky which links him to Kronos who has some level of synchrotism with Moloch who is God of abortion of babies!

As for all synchrotisms there are many trees of synchrotism creating Satan) s archons have similar energy of him who are leaders of matrix, think of the “we are legion” line accredited to demons responding to Yahushua(Jesus) in the Bible. There is a chain starting with Ninurta and Set, combined with Moloch became Kronos (Who was eternally defeated by Zeus), Kronos being Phonetically simmilar to Chronos and spelled basically the same in greek (Κρόνος vs. Χρόνος) had the Greek personification of Time added on too. The Romans then synchrotised Kronos with Saturn and created a golden age myth with their saturnian mysticism, that describes Saturn as a benevolent communist (no slaves, no property, no suffering…, while it is not true there are those things) ruler of Italy and celebrated Saturnalia as a form of social control for thier slaves, many of these traditions are still practiced at Christmas although the December 25th date is more likely connected to Horus the Apollo child of satan,early Christians calculating the date of his birth from the day of his death due to ancient custom. This is also the Birthday of the Roman sun God Sol Invictus for which there is good evidence that Constantine, the guy who brought of cult of Saturn their front orzohov sindicate as Vatican the Roman catholic Church saw as 1 and the same as Yahushua, but it is not, it is against him,. Then approaching the middle ages we start to see The Satan (a sounding like Satin, not plane, ), an cherubim of God that harassed Job to see if he had the resolve and faith to get what he deserved and mentioned in other books as well, litterally translates to The Adversary, he is not the Ruler of Hell however, he is not in hell yet, and yes Saturn is really a dangerous and strange cryptic realm, he’s like God’s prosecution lawyer in divine court, synchretised with fallen angels and other fallen celestial beings of all races who fallen, like Satanel/Luciferos (pronounced like the archons with him main name + el), Bealzebub, Anubis, Lilith, Amadeus, Baal, Phobos, Zagan,Leviathan… the list goes on. Which gets us pretty close to today where we see Santa as a modern day equivalent to the “King of Saturnalia”. There are more pagan gods the archons amalgamated under the same Satan that I have seen what are about , these are just the heavy hitters, even their children the demons, psychic energy parasites that create negativity in your life/the world and feed off it.

Side note about the sun and sun gods/why we should suspect thier nature and look into thier times of worship, there are 2 Suns, 1 is Helios- apollo and all the ones connected to that one the other is The Black Sun which represents the Sun under the full influence of Saturn and all the “bad” ones.

Back to the Abrahamic religions now we find something that at its surface looks weird but upon closer inspection we find it actually makes a tonne of sense. They all appear to be heavily influenced by Saturn and create ridiculous ammounts of negativity. Then we look deeper and find out why.

Islam was having a golden age in black magick occult and other aspects that cult of Saturn have secret gnosis before it was infiltrated by Saturn more when they banned Sorcery and Alchemy and Math/Numerology and astrology and astronomy.

Christianity was actually wildly different than what we know today originally and there were Christians who picked up on the Saturnine influence in Low level Judaism and saw YHVH Elohim (2 names of God combined into one the long and short with as I up told) then Luciferian sun symbolism as Demonic stuff came sun disc wheel for christian religion as vimana- synthetic merkaba-ufo or false aura of Jesus and associated it with the demiurge, the real leader of that religion is yaldabaoth and Adonaiel and Sabaothiel of islam is al ayib, and of Judaism is Samael, and other groups that saw these archons including one led by Apollo is also Judaism,, one who had likely learned some combination of Hermetic Magick, Jewish Kabbalah, and Taoism/Daoism, likely a vegetarian and either married to Asura fallen fairy. These perspectives were eventually eradicated by the Roman Empire because they made people no longer complacent with roman servitude, which infuriated the divine teachings into religious false dogma, so it send the Goths as divine retribution, essentially instantaneously when compared to the lifespan of the Roman Empire the near total annihilation of all but “Orthodox Christianity” came as another Catholic creation edited version of the pagan religious yeast of lies and paganism in different form.

Low level Judaism we don’t actually find Kabbalah much only little, it used to be required to learn about it that you were a 40+ year old Jewish man who understood the 3 lower tiers well enough to be invited to study Kabbalah, explains the Saturnine influence in Judaism and how to avoid following it and recognize it for what it is. We also find numerous examples in the Tanakh of the Israelites essentially being tricked time and time again into deciding “one little sacrificed child/baby to Moloch won’t hurt” and then getting captured by pure traditions free of the influence of Moloch the fallen cherubim to purge the influence of Moloch from Judaism, Egypt, Babylon, The Greeks, and then they made a pact with the Romans that largely the influence of still exists today. The heroes who led them out of these captivities were primarily Moses for Egypt, Ezra for Babylon, Machabees for the Greeks, and it was Supposed as well David who killed nephilim child of fallen annunaki known as Goliath, then YAHUSHUA Messiah came and he defeated satan and spirits of dead nephilim and spirits of other hybrids of fallen celestial beings for Rome in its time, but that’s where things get interesting.

Yahushua’s brother James was a Jew, Yahushua was a Jew, and his disciples were Jews, they were NOT Christians. The Romans invented Christianity as a way to prevent the Jews from escaping Rome and it was destroyed by the Goths Simmilar to how Babylon was destroyed by Persia.

At this point as an person who is one who destroyed religious matrix programming and know spiritual truths, I feel and know I have seen it picks up again in the middle ages when Kabbalah is leaked into the world thrue reennesance movement with Isac Newwton who been cabalist to protect the current as fewer and fewer jews were becoming eligible to learn Kabbalah, but this is no longer 1 group of people but now many peoples with the knowledge, the alchemical gnosis and cabalistic mysticism vatican´s Jesuits knew all that as well and saint germain movement.

As for Islam I do know Mohammed was false prophet who been really by saturnian archons inffluenced and was absolutely wrong that he is choosen in Tanakh and Bible, no Moses talked about YAHUSHUA , and not Islamic pedophile fraud who had sex with the Aisa girl that been 9 years old and Mohammed being 54 years old then, thus why he recived the Quran, it is quite clear to me that around the end of Islam’s golden age Moloch infested mainstream Islam the same way he has with mainstream Christianity and mainstream Judaism, and we are long overdue for another purge of Moloch’s influence, and I have a hunch this time it’s gonna be global and it’s gonna stick for at least few years, now in Ukraine and Israel war, where children been kidnapped and raped, that been also lies that Israel started the war when did not with Islamic neighbours, there is satanic cult of Saturn starting it as Molec worship when innocent blood is let!

If you’re wondering which religious label fits this viewpoint best I tell you not any of them, because Creator does exist and is not in box of religion and it is above the linear time saturnian matrix! Deep down you are right no one knows which perspective to believe in because all the perspectives are flawed, and confusions and truth and lies put from archons in this fallen world,but the sum of all perspectives does indeed expose something divine that is too beautiful to describe with words and is beyond human compression because we are created by this divinity, divinity (God) is not having cryptic pyramid like satan, satan is having certin also like himk cherubs fallen who are leading certin groups of archons of certin systems, and we are bricks in that pyramid, we who are awake are not much as those totally under spells of saturnian matrix, or more litterally God is the entire observable and all powerful creator of creation (including multiverses) and we are children of God, the creation of divine Creator, and gods in our own rights and passages in religions are false copy cat wanna be beings archons who copy truths a bit of real one and they are really taking it all these beings some stuff and then make religious and political systems made of the creations of elements of emanations of tree of life and gnosis and these are put into the creation good things took and truths a bit to hook people into system, and then make them think wrong. But then I am reminded how deceptive and cunning the devil is.

And I have come to a conclusion that Satan has indeed (tried) infiltrated many religions. Which is why there is so much division and distortion.

One needs to focus on the very core of every Abrahamic religion. That core truth is that there is One Creator. And that by getting closer to him with true intentions, your soul will be saved.

The rest are just stories, some are lies and deceptions. Prayer has been scientifically proven to be helpful and actually have physical effect on one’s surroundings. (Check out Dr. Masaru Emoto)

The notion that we are somehwhat Gods, is absolutely false. This idea has been introduced a few decades ago, when this New Age wave started to flood over the West. New Age “spirituality”- New (c)age movement is an example of the works of the devil.

Leading people astray. Confusing them. Justifying a lifestyle using all kinds of drugs as way synthetic way to do astral projection, having tantric sex, “awakening” the kundalini counterfit spiritual anointing, and doing yoga and all that malarky. Yoga is another thing that originally is pagan. Every yoga position is basically representing a demonic “deity”. People are more pagan these days than they realise..

As for alchemy. The alchemy is making what is impure into pure. Same goes for our souls. So much evil and ego inside us that needs to be transmuted into goodness and selflessness and our sins washed by blood of YAHUSHUA. Muslims and Christians and Judaisms are being taught to let go of all materialistic things, but you need to be spiritual, yes but to be ignorant, that is not good, yes materialism is bad, but you can use computer for example and internet to spread like this info truths, and stuff and not to be ignorant of stuff in material as well, but to idolize material stuff is wrong just be clear and don’t go into any extgremes to get rid of stuff like house and clothes and be naked, don’t be , and don’t be without spiritual life . To serve one another. Aid those in need. To never bow down to any human. To be generous. To let go of worldly things like hedonistic stuff and addictions,ect. To try to see the good in bad situations. To be humble yet never act inferior to another human (or so called superior). To be truthful. Just. To never lay a finger on another person if it’s not to save someone or to protect yourself.

Filter out the nonsense for what makes sense in prayer for spiritual discernment to know what is wrong and wrong!

If you are interested in alchemy and the mystic side of religions, check out Sufism in prayer healthy. Which is a branch if Islam that has many of these alchemical and mystical elements in it.Also Christian cabala of francis bacon, but don’t trust all as I told pray to have spiritual discernment!

Unfortunately, even in sufism there is a lot distortion and division and different orders/schools. So seek out the ones that don’t do the crazy self mutilating stuff and crusade and blasphemy of Mother Immayah holy spirit, the people who denny that creator is both Father and Mother, that is also saturnian influence, the Patriarchy influence of Marduk, then there is as I told Matriarchy of Tiamat .

Allah is Satan. Muhammad said women were 1/2 brains, which is not true, he mocked them. He committed rape, married a 6 year old girl. He murdered. He said to kill Jews and anybody who is not in islam. He said he created the stars 1st, then the trees. Then he stated that right after that, he created the trees 1st, then the stars. Quran is full of contradictions and evil. I have seen Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work it is indeed facinating and I know the power of prayer although Iseen how many people knowing this know it is frequency but this made people influence if not knowing true elohim not in the book of life before their soul came to earth who choosen satan will simply not totally see truth and not escape matrix!

I would say the satanic influence within Islam is mainly in the Islamic Theocracy countries currently and can mainly be seen in the rape and violence commented regularly in those countries. Satan loves creating fear and negativity as demons feed off it. God is love, infinite pure and concious, and created fear of demons and suppression of divine female energy in girls and women is meant also to destroy it , from womb life comes, and rape and beating of women and girls is extremely wrong and as violent patriarchy comes and rape and beat girls and women that is really harmful energy created and generated which destroys and lower also energy of planet and create portals of evil and not only know it is infinite pure love these demons they do but they hate it they will be in hell one day and so they want to cause harm as children of fallen celestial beings the archons, but through destruction of the female creative energy with rape and fear it created within itself experience itself as to attack pure infinite love as well, which is Creator, Creator feel sorry for creation being destroyed and all.

Those who control the world the Satanists and luciferians. also movie/music industry and media, are serving satan.

I knowing allah/satan being in quran “lord of nations” and in bible satan is stated to be the prince of the world- the same being,then who know this now you cannot buy Mohammed as a messenger of God to be then!

Messenger of a fallen angel. Same as Joseph Smith, same as any and everyone who spreads any message that differs from Christ’s teachings. Saturn was the chief god of the wicked antediluvian world, whom the Nephilim worshipped and knew as the “king of their fathers”. Saturn is the source of all distortion and lies regarding Yahweh. Satan is a master tactician and the entirety of history has been move, countermove, countermove, countermove. EVERYTHING the devil does is a cheap imitation, a counterfeit of what God does/has done/said He will do. The black cube of Saturn in mecca is the counterfeit to the Golden Jerusalem shaped as a cube that is to come when Yahushua returns.

Lead into gold… Saturn is in the place of the setting sun if you stare youll see it there… Lead being saturns symbol and gold being the suns..

The black cube was said to hold a asteroid that is for child sacrifice!

The black cube does remind me of the gold cube that is supposed to come down as new jerusalem as well… They are one in the same.. Agricultural gods. Reapers.. All through history starting in the story of eden..

Saturn baal ba’el . Even the cross time placement..of a cross and sickle like the lead symbol for saturn..amunra is the golden saturn and ra the sun.. Whether it be christianity. Hinduism . Whatever. They all started with sun worship in spring and fall..

The only reason there is a debate or confusion is some people actuslly observed the sun throughout the year and tines. And everyone else observed religion… religion is where all the violence comes from connected with politics.

Lead into gold… Saturn is in the place of the setting sun if you stare youll see it there… Lead being saturns symbol and gold being the suns..

Djahud comes from yahdevas meaning demi gods, that is what archons are, they are worshiped in religion!

Hindus get real uptight about saying Shiva is Saturn, and they always have to interject and say, “WRONG!” but as far as I can tell Shiva is Saturn, he is really, and he is main God worshiped there, so I know that is to me confirmed in spiritual world and here connection in matrix itself allso. These many are archons, they were of the Draco Reptilian species.

There are plenty of Mesopotamian influences on Israelite religion, especially from the Neo-Babylonian empire, but it is still at its core a West Semitic religion.

However, the God of Israel is not simply El, it is Yahweh


Satan and Santa are as I told one and the same and Saturn santa claus is saturnalia!

Satan is the Hebrew word for “adversary”, and Santa is an abbreviated/corrupted form of “Saint Nicholas” (Sint-Nikolaas > Sinterklaas). That so called saint is satan and the nikolentians that YAHUSHUA said are corrupt are just that !

They are orthodoxy and catholic ritualists who in Vatican gave pagan yeast of heretical archon worship.

Catholicism was basically veiled Paganism for a few hundred years and is still!!

Anyways the archontic system of Saturn moon matrix here is affirmations to speak to tare down mind control spells and limitation spells of saturnian sphere influence:

I AM light

I AM Infinite

I AM the channel of truth and divine revelations

I AM expanding

I AM psychedelic

I AM vibration

I AM timeless

I AM unity

I AM activating

I AM resonance

I AM galactic

I AM radiant

I AM defined

I AM electric

I AM lunar and solar

I AM magnetic

I AM planetary

I AM balanced

I AM organized

I AM connected

I AM multicosmic and multidimensional

I AM inspired

I AM in harmony

I AM integrity

I AM perfect

I AM manifestation of truth and Godlines

I AM dissolving evil

I AM releasing past and all is a lesson and nothing defeat

I AM liberated from evil

I AM dedicated

I AM universalized enduring & transcending system of my being with 8th chackra and more, I am transcending linear time above saturnian matrix

I AM earth-ing and bonding to any planet that has good and not evil

I AM being

I AM communicating

I AM spirit

I AM breathing

I AM cosmic

I AM essence

I AM power

I AM action

I AM dreaming and astral projecting

I AM abundance

I AM intuition

I AM Godly

I AM extreme for truth

I AM internal

I AM external

I AM flowering

I AM clocking

I AM aware

I AM life-force

I AM surviving

I AM d.m.t.

I AM spiraling

I AM art

I AM accomplishing

I AM healing myself and others

I AM beauty

I AM elegance

I AM pure

I AM flowing

I AM love

I AM more then chakras

I AM coinciding

I AM playing

I AM magic

I AM illusive to illusionists of matrix which means I am protected from their illusions and I defeat the opponents by their own power even

I AM free will

I AM for wisdom of Bible

I AM exploring

I AM spacing out and in & I am above linear time

I AM waking life

I AM vivid

I AM enchanting

I AM timelessness in complete infinite design

I AM Organic

I AM for nobility

I AM receptive for truth

I AM vision and visionary

I AM energy , the pure form of it

I AM mindful & questioning

I AM answering

I AM intelligent

I AM fearless

I AM advancing

I AM opening my third eye to the unseen vision of uniniciated profane majority

I AM translating hidden in shadows into the light

I AM synchronicity and magnet for it and money magnet

I AM spiritual more so and more evry day

I AM reflecting

I AM endlessness

I AM order & against chaos of satanic forces

I AM the tao

I AM crystalized

I AM self generation

I AM affirming truths and creating new reality

I AM enlightened

I AM life

I AM a tone

I AM a color

I AM electronic

I AM the lunar & solar opposite & polar language

I AM radial

I AM particles of plasma

I AM endurance

I Am cosmic

I AM releasing truths

I AM perfected

I AM liberated

I AM pulsing

I AM realizing

I AM the ONE the choosen and original ONE are ALL form good shepard Lord YAHUSHUA

I AM the infinite that becomes the everything good

I AM symbolic also

I AM truthful

I AM the divine spirit that harmonizes with the laws projecting the digital loom the tool of experiencing desire and finding ecstasy in process.

Luciferian archon ruling matrix part 14, summer of 2024, the radiance of stars astro theology origin of religions,all is basicly pagan yeast! (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.